The problem is that this is the wrong place, is a moderated channel, requiring confirmation but also does not allow a post to by redirected, at least not by me!
I have no problem with Community being moderated etc - it was designed for internal community announcements but can we somehow make it clear that this ios not for newbie questions or make post redirects easier , or …??
Mea culpa - that one was me certainly, but I don’t think there’s any way of redirecting a post, other than rejecting it and asking the OP to try again. @marcusbaw?
Currently moderation is done by anyone in @moderators as well as @admins. (Collectively, @staff) You can view the membership of these groups by clicking on the @mention then the group name in the ‘card’ that pops up.
Additional, Per-Category moderators.
We can also add groups of users to be moderators of a specific category as per these settings, which reflect the current settings of Community :
Maybe a name change to Announcements would help, along with a stricter moderation and redirect policy.
@Pete_Bouvier … i wasn’t having a go honest! Ive done the same in the past. It is not a huge problem but it means that any replies also need to be moderated and the post is likely to have lower visibilty if it is not in the right place.