New CDS Guidelines examples - qRisk3, CHA2DS2-VASc

I’ve published a couple more guidelines converted from GDL2 format to the emerging Decision Language format. We are interested in informal feedback from clinical people on whether you consider this representation at least somewhat comprehensible, and what could be improved etc. We will have colourisation soon, but it’s not there yet.

The various Process and GDL specifications are here.

I’d suggest that if you would like meaningful and useful feedback, you might like to organise a meeting or video presentation to upskill interested clinicians in the approach and topics/methods for feedback.

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Yes I have been thinking of that - do you think it would make sense to focus on one guideline, or more generally on the approach?

Hey Thomas,

I really want to understand more about this and participate, so from my POV it’s both! Maybe start with a one hour session to start with and see if we need something more as a deep dive later. If we record it, then others can watch in their own timezone.
