Following The Swedish openEHR platforms and tools RFI 2023 by seven Swedish regions, Karolinska University Hospital is coordinating a procurement for several organisations active in Region Stockholm and Region Gotland. Listed organisations besides Karolinska are: Södersjukhuset AB (SÖS), Södertälje sjukhus AB, Danderyd Sjukhus AB, Tiohundra AB, St Eriks Ögonsjukhus, Ambulanssjukvården i Storstockholm AB (AISAB), Hälso- och sjukvårdsförvaltningen (HSF), Stockholms läns sjukvårdsområde (SLSO), Region Gotland.
The official EU-tender call is available at Services - 555615-2023 - TED Tenders Electronic Daily that in turn links to the call at the procurement portal: Mercell TendSign. Anybody interested in actually responding to the tender should register there (for free) to get notifications of changes and responses to questions. The documents will very likely get updated several times and the copies attached to the Wikipage may be out of date and erraneous by the time you read this. Following this forum thread is no guarantee to get all updates, instead subscribe to updates in the portal.
Framework agreement period is 2+1+1 years.
Estimated start of (framework) contract is 2024-02-01.
Phase 1 (qualification) closes 2023-10-12 23:59
Estimated total value 154 000 000 SEK (all areas added together, over the full length of framework agreements)
A simplified explanation of the process and scope follows (it is not necessarily a legally correct description, see the procurement portal for the real thing.
There are three areas.
- openEHR-based Software. With subcategories:
- 1a. Software for storage and management of openEHR-based data (CDR etc)
- 1b. Software for fine-grained access control
- 1c. Software for fast development, publication and maintenance of openEHR-based applications
- 1d. Software Services
- Software for openEHR content Creation and Transformation
- Consulting Services
Note that many actors/providers will likely be interested in responding to only to one or two of the three areas, and thus do not need to bother about the details of the other areas.
There are several phases (following each other in time)
The first Phase published today, closes October 12. It’s purpose is to qualify and reduce number of candidates allowed to make bids for framework agreements. If you pass this you get an invitation (activity #2 above) to submit a framework tender/bid.
When the framework has started (activity #5 above) and any of the organisations behind the agreement (for example Karolinska or Södersjukhuset) actually need to buy e.g. platforms, tools or services from any of the three “areas”, every supplier that has won a framework agreement for that area gets a chance to bid for that specific item in a relatively simple and fast process. Also the requrements, for example for a consultancy assignment, tool or platform, will be specific for the task at hand which makes the process easier for everybody involved.
Personally I would recommend starting by reading relevant parts of Appendix 2, the “Area description”. A snapshot version is available at