Scandinavian openEHR Collaboration Meeting Autumn 2021

Scandinavian openEHR Collaboration Meeting Autumn 2021

Purpose of meeting
Connect with the Nordic openEHR community to explore ways of collaborating towards common goals related to the use of openEHR.

When and where

  • Thursday Oct 7th 13.00-15.00 CET
  • Online

How to join


~1st part – Short status and ongoing initiatives in each country & presentation of participants

  • The Swedish openEHR community

  • The Finnish openEHR community, Pirkko Kortekangas, CDO UNA Oy

    • Short history
    • Plan to go on with localization
  • The participating organizations areas of interest

~2nd part – Discussion

  • Is there a need for a Scandinavian collaboration and what would the benefits be?
  • In which areas would be most beneficial to collaborate?
    • Could it speed up the publishing of new archetypes in the international CKM?
    • Would writing of Scandinavian/European/International implementation guides be of interest?
  • Would we like to set up regular collaboration meetings?
  • Any other business?

The Swedish openEHR community
Proposed chairman: @mikael
Proposed secretary: @davwet

Background to meeting
The Swedish openEHR community has recently increased its efforts and national coordination. We have had prior meetings with our Scandinavian openEHR friends in Norway and Finland, and recently a presentation from the German HiGHmed initiative. Key success factors for openEHR applied in real world application use are the availability of standardized models, and sharing of the workload for creating new models. Hence, we would really like to explore ways of further collaboration in the Scandinavian (to start with) openEHR community.


We’d like to join please! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: @mikael @Asa_Skagerhult

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Posted to the openEHR website/events page. If you’d like help with promotion, please drop me an email to


We’d hoped so! You are so welcome! :smiley:

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@siljelb ; I have sent you the electronic invitation.

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Great! I will join too!

We would also like to join


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@Dileep_V_S ; It is nice that you are interested. However, this is an initial collaboration meeting primarily targeted to the groups that are active in Scandinavia (or North Europe) to come together. The aim is to discuss common issues, like how our quite similar healthcare systems can use openEHR in the best way and how to best translate the archetypes into our similar Scandinavian languages. Do you have ongoing activities in North Europe? (We might arrange collaboration meetings for a wider audience in the future.)

@mikael I understand the situation, Pls go ahead and we will join for the wider discussion later


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Hi Mikael
Health Informatics Graduate student here from Karolinska Institutet. I would love to catch up the latest development in the openEHR here in Scandinavia.
Can i join in the meeting too?

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Can you then send me your e-mail-adress at and then I can forward the invitation.


Thank you everybody, it was a pleasure to meet you all!



I diskussionen om svenska arbetet med att tillämpa PDL (patientdatalagen) på ett system/leverantörsgemensamt sätt i openEHR nämnde planering för en kommande träff, nu är datumet spikat:

Tisdag, 19 okt, kl 10:00-11:30 kommer Bjørn “@bna” Næss från norska DIPS berätta om hur de tänkt kring och jobbat med motsvarigheter till vårdepisoder, hälsoärenden etc. i openEHR

Klicka här för att ansluta till Teams-mötet den 19:e.

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We have started to plan the follow-up meeting in the card [SWE-48] Ordna nordiskt openEHR-möte i december 2021 - openEHR JIRA.



The meeting started with a presentation from the different administrative organizations in each country.


Sweden talked about the need for implementation guides in order to avoid different solutions to the same problems. Two domains in which Sweden is working on implementation guides are 1) evaluation of access to health care data 2) access points (e.g. pvc and cvc). The discussion also covered other domains such as Snomed CT and assessment instruments. Implementation guides are needed not just for the Nordic countries, instead this need is shared in the international community.

Sweden also mentioned the work being done on translating archetypes into Swedish, using the guidelines of translation of Snomed CT concepts.

Everyone is struggling with the review process, due to lack of reviewers. If implementation and modelling are close in time it is easier to get help from clinicians.

Regarding terminology binding of archetypes one reason for the lack of bindings is that Snomed CT is missing concepts. For at least observable entities a request from multiple countries could hasten the pace in which new concepts are accepted into the international release. Community content is another viable way to create new concepts but then the burden is on the community to keep it updated.


Finland presented UNA which is a publicly owned company of Finnish public social- and healthcare providers that promotes shared development issues and if nobody else does it, produce ICT solutions to solve shared needs. Finish vendors have already adopted OpenEHR data models but unifying solutions has been lacking. But this work have now found an administrative home in a subgroup of the HL7 Finland association.


Norway referred to a previously held presentation National governance of openEHR archetypes in Norway . They did report a significant shift from just developing archetypes to beginning to work through the whole process, from specifying needs to implementation. DIPS now have the possibility to create forms from templates.


Other organizations and companies were then given the opportunity to present their active projects. Karolinska University Hospital, which is part of the region of Stockholm are modelling access points, lifestyle factors and creating templates for pathology results.

eWeave - A swedish child health care EHR provider
Ongoing project: Developing automated transfer from the EHR to the Swedish quality register BHVQ

Cambio are involved in several of the projects already mentioned.

The second part of the forum

Questions about a common understanding of regulations related to patient data and what defines a health care process and what mechanism in openEHR is suitable to capture that process. All aspects are probably not relevant, but Nordic law is similar enough to be used. There were interest in following and taking part in the work on the implementation guide regarding access to health data. Sweden will initiate a meeting. The need for defined health processes are relevant for other purposes as well, not only from a regulatory perspective.

Sweden will keep the other countries informed of the development of implementation guides regarding access points.

Life style factors besides alcohol and tobacco is missing in modelling.

Resources for reviewing is a problem in all countries. How much review of archetypes are good enough? A separate discussion might be needed.

Sweden will put out a call or appoint someone else to hold the next forum.