Scandinavian openEHR Collaboration Meeting Autumn 2021
Purpose of meeting
Connect with the Nordic openEHR community to explore ways of collaborating towards common goals related to the use of openEHR.
When and where
- Thursday Oct 7th 13.00-15.00 CET
- Online
How to join
- Contact Mikael ( or Åsa (
- Feel free to spread the invite to your openEHR network
~1st part – Short status and ongoing initiatives in each country & presentation of participants
The Swedish openEHR community
- Way of working, @mikael
- Implementation guides, @martin.grundberg
- Implementation guide for access points e.g. cvc and pvc (sv: in- och utfarter), @martin.grundberg
- Implementation guide for the Swedish Patient Data Act, @erik.sundvall
- Translation of archetypes into Swedish, @mikael
- Creation of archetypes for Swedish phenomena, @mikael
- SNOMED CT binding of archetypes @mikael
The Finnish openEHR community, Pirkko Kortekangas, CDO UNA Oy
- Short history
- Plan to go on with localization
The participating organizations areas of interest
- Karolinska sjukhuset, Sweden, @LindaAulin
- eWeave, Sweden, @ark
- Cambio, Sweden, @martin.grundberg
- …
~2nd part – Discussion
- Is there a need for a Scandinavian collaboration and what would the benefits be?
- In which areas would be most beneficial to collaborate?
- Could it speed up the publishing of new archetypes in the international CKM?
- Would writing of Scandinavian/European/International implementation guides be of interest?
- …
- Would we like to set up regular collaboration meetings?
- Any other business?
The Swedish openEHR community
Proposed chairman: @mikael
Proposed secretary: @davwet
Background to meeting
The Swedish openEHR community has recently increased its efforts and national coordination. We have had prior meetings with our Scandinavian openEHR friends in Norway and Finland, and recently a presentation from the German HiGHmed initiative. Key success factors for openEHR applied in real world application use are the availability of standardized models, and sharing of the workload for creating new models. Hence, we would really like to explore ways of further collaboration in the Scandinavian (to start with) openEHR community.