openEHR's new website - announcement and your views!

Dear openEHR community, we’re excited to announce that following several months of replatforming and editing, we have released the new openEHR website. I would like to acknowledge the incredible work of @Pete_Bouvier in doing the vast majority of the content migration, styling, and reworked navigation, transforming and upgrading the look and feel of the site. The CIC Board made the decision to replatform the site and approved the new site before launch.

As always it is at (or if you prefer) for you to view.

New features of the site

We’ve worked to make the site easy to navigate and simpler than the old site. We aimed to reduce duplication of content where that content can be more easily interacted with at the Specifications site or on the Forum.

Dynamic deployments table

We’ve created a dynamic, sortable, searchable worldwide deployments table Who, what, where… –

It even includes a world map of deployments:

Events Calendar

There’s a beautiful new openEHR events calendar which is searchable too:

Overall look and feel

We’ve updated the main website to be more visually appealing and align with openEHR brand visuals. We know this might not appeal to everyone and we’re welcoming of constructive feedback that can help us further improve the site. Details on how to feed back are in the FAQ below.

Simplified navigation

We’ve removed some of the duplicative or complex elements of the navigation to make the overall site less complex. We’re thinking that seasoned openEHR community members will already have open in tabs or bookmarked the most commonly used tools and resources. Again, if you have constructive feedback that can help us further improve the site, wee the FAQ for how to feed back.


How can I feed back about the new website?

You can reply to this thread, or you can private message us (@marcusbaw and @Pete_Bouvier) or email us on Please keep all feedback constructive.

Why did we replatform?

The main reasons for the replatform were around the maintenance of the site, in order to make this easier for non-technical team members we have moved to Wordpress for the website, which replaced a more technical Django website that required significant Django expertise to edit and update, and was also in need of both an application code upgrade and a server OS upgrade…

What happened to the old site?

The old site’s content has been preserved as a static HTML site here, and is also extensively archived on the Wayback Machine. Code for the old site is on GitHub in a private repository here. If you find content that we’ve forgotten to move to the new site then it will help us if you can identify the old page here so we can see what is missing.

I can’t find something that used to be on the old website - what do I do?

Some of the content was ‘retired’ owing to the ever-larger quantity of information that was being held on the old website. We attempted to streamline and optimise the website for newer users looking for basic information about openEHR technology. If you feel something has been removed that shouldn’t have been, then we are happy to review this if you comment on this thread, private message us (@marcusbaw and @Pete_Bouvier) or email us on

Can you set up redirects for broken links?

Yes, we can set up 301 Moved Permanentlyredirects for links which are broken. We are monitoring the new site’s traffic for commonly visited URLs which are returning 404 Not Found and we are putting in redirects for these. If you have found a broken link and let us know we will fix it.

I am a Wordpress and CSS ninja and I want to help!

openEHR International is a small organisation punching well above its weight internationally and we’ve done this replatform with a small non-Wordpress-expert team and a tiny budget (and in fact have reduced overall server costs in doing the change!) so there are a couple of details in the theming which we would like to tweak and improve. If this is something you would like to help with, let us know!


We would like to thank @Pete_Bouvier again for the huge amount of work put in to rebuild the site.

Importantly I’d also like to thank @thomas.beale and @Adriana (Danilovka) for their years of work on the previous openEHR website.


Thanks a bunch for all the hard work. Will look into it in detail over the next days.

One thing just catching my attention: My bio in the SEC section says I’m a product manager at DIPS. While I sometimes daydream about living in Norway (and working at DIPS?), this is not correct in reality. Where can I send an up-to-date bio to?


Hi Jake - send me a DM with your bio and I’ll get it updated. P



I am unsure if this email goes to everybody, but I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Harish—a designer from Malaysia. I came across this group as I was looking for a digital health project. I would like to get involved with the Wordpress part.


Congratulations on this great new website Pete and his team!
Clear and a pleasure to read. A professional look and feel that fits the new image of openEHR International.
Leading the way to transform healthcare together!
Well done!!!


Hi @mouse15 let’s talk via PM about this possibility. I’ll PM you in Discourse.

Thanks @JandeLange and I’ll raise a glass to Pete for the work that’s been done here!


Congrats on the new website! A minor nitpick, but those PNG files on the home page weigh over 1.1MB each.


Ah yes. Thanks George. That carousel was originally much smaller. I’ll give them a squeeze! P

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On a mobile phone the menu can‘t be administered. There is this membership banner in front of it. And when you close the banner the arrow is in front of it.


Urs Wittwer

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Thanks Urs. Should be fixed now. P

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This is brilliant. Please could we add openOutcomes on the list of active deployment in the U.K. with the custodian being The Apperta Foundation.


Absolutely. I’ll get it up this morning. P


Looking good @Pete_Bouvier :slight_smile:


Some questions regarding

  • General: there are no links for the products themselves, only the logo of the company above each list of products is (sometimes) clickable
  • Is tha Afya site linked (circled in red below) serious or a scam ? The page looks AI generated and mostly has a lot of latin placehoder text
  • The company logo above “Configurable platform” (encircled in purple below) is not clickable and there is no info available about company name etc
  • I beleive one of Betters products is called “Better Meds” not “Better Med”
  • The link to Medicalchain seems to be dead now
  • Nedap do you want your link to point to Nedaps main site or to Healthcare - Nedap ?
  • OpusVL, it is very hard to find the product “Care Protect” from the linked github page
  • Tietoevry do you want your link to point to your main site or something about health or the listed product?

This was just from looking at one page. There is obviously a lot of proofreading and link-testing left to do. I would advice all actors with openEHR interests to double check their own info and findability…

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Thanks Erik. Virtually all of this information was migrated from the old applications page here - Applications but I’m happy to add more links to specific products or companies.

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Great to see the site get an update.

I was going to also say the applications page feels to me where the most further improvement could be made.

I would suggest:

  1. Tiles/cards for each app, these can be easily stacked so work easily on any screen width including mobile.

  2. The tiles/cards better/more quickly demonstrate this is a list of apps and provide the perfect format to include links and additional info.

  3. I’m sure the app providers would be happy to share thumbnails of the app in desktop or mobile view or both. This would make these feel like tangible apps and give a really quick/good sense of the growing apps that exist on OpenEHR. The applications page is one of the first pages I checked when I wanted to be reassured that modern UX/UI apps existed on OpenEHR. I actually messaged Kanthan about a month ago to say was there not more apps and they could be better displayed. Any prospective vendor/innovator evaluating OpenEHR wants to that reassurance there’s successful/good apps built on it.

  4. Why not add categories/tags, I have a list of categories for apps/services in healthcare for something we worked on, if you’d like I can send that through, it’s not perfect, but it helps to have this.

  5. A search bar and/or some filters/flags t.filter by category/type of app and region.

  6. Publisher is too prominent IMHO, the app name/thumbnail should be what people view primarily. Publisher/Developer should be in a corner of the card (also filterable).

We’ve actually got some designs for this sort of thing we’ve done before if you’d like I could dog it out and give it a small tweak and share with you Pete, happy to!

I think this applications page needs to really sell OpenEHR, so happy to spend it a bit of time on it from a design PoV and help if you’re open to it Pete, subject to members / community then being happy to sign off a fine tuned version, of course!


  • I beleive one of Betters products is called “Better Meds” not “Better Med”
    => true :slight_smile:

Best regards,
Matija from Better :slight_smile:


Hi, just about the looks and not really the content, I find the text hard to read, I’m not sure if it’s the chosen fonts, the size or spacing. Also the blue gradient on the right looks out of place.

The other thing is the stock photos: 80% is Asian people and I think our community is more diverse. Also our community age range is wider. It would be nice to have those aspects represented in the website.

Hope that helps.


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I agree with you that diversity in stock photo use should be a goal. But maybe the stock photos give the impression of more diversity than is the reality… If my counting and assumptions about gender and ethnic origin are correct (if they’re not I apologise), these are some basic stats about the people in boards and expert groups with their photos on the page. Unfortunately not super diverse based just on these two more or less visible parameters.