I wanted some pointers to any effort that is ongoing in developing oncology specific archetypes in openEHR.
Minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCode) has an implementation guide in FHIR, but do not see relevant archetypes on the openEHR side.
I have seen the Cancer Reporting project published archetypes in CKM. Any further work happening in that project or others to cover the breadth of mCode ?
There is no initiative on mCODE per now, as I know of. But let’s start it!
Do you have any concrete implementation where you would like to represent mCODE in archetypes? Any Use case we can start the work around (not user interface)?
I guess you are familiar with the TNM archetypes that were published in 2020. I haven’t seen the specs for mCODE yet, but we can hope to use a similar pattern for mCODE as for TNM?
At first glance, it seems like many of the elements in mCODE are spread across a variety of already published archetypes. TNM, medications, procedure, ECOG, the brand new Genetics archetypes, BP, Weight, etc.
I did look at mCode a few months ago and I think we do have pretty good coverage. I would certainly be up for building an exemplar template - it fits some other work we will be involved with.
I was one of the original authors for the Histopathology archetypes developed for RCPA. They probably largely stand up but would need to revisited in line with more recent clinical guidance.
That’s a really interesting project and good materials. We are working on cancer ‘treatment summaries’ though our detailed modelling of this is still quite far away. Scanning the mindmap I don’t see much that I would not expect to be able to model in openEHR, and some of it - like genomics - is not in our immediate scope. The value sets will be really helpful though, and the high level structure of their information model also.
Inevitably we will have to message some of our stuff in and out of our CDR so knowing that there is a FHIR implementation is going to be really useful.