The procurement documents used in the first call-off from Tender Area 1 in the framework agreement have now been uploaded with the prefix Karolinska-2024-A1C1 to the openEHR wiki page and may be of interest to others making (or responding to) openEHR procurements.
Of special interest are likely:
- Karolinska-2024-A1C1-Appendix2 Requirement Specification.xlsx that contains the meat of technical requirements etc.
- Those interested in pricing models might also be interested in Karolinska-2024-A1C1-Appendix 3 Price List.xlsx …
- …and to understand the pricing model the definition of “Medical record use vs
Data lake/archive use” on page 5 in Karolinska-2024-A1C1-Appendix 12 Definitions (Version 2).pdf should be read - The duration of the contract is stated in Karolinska-2024-A1C1-Contract text extracted.docx as “thirty-six (36) months with the possibility of extension options of eighteen (18) + eighteen (18) months”
I have not (yet) been able to access and share the content of the procurement portal forms, but hope that the files uploaded to the wiki page will cover most of the interesting things.