Alcohol Consumption

Hi all,
Looking for some advice regarding recording alcohol consumption. The alcohol consumption summary is structured to record intake via either “episodes” of intake or by “type” of alcohol.
Clinically I find that patients generally can only report ABOUT how much alcohol they drink per week (or per day for regular drinkers)
We were hoping to be able to record just the overall intake at the “overall” level, similar to how “pack years” are recorded in the tobacco summary.
Does anyone have any ideas about how might go about this?
Many thanks again


Hi Andrew!

The Alcohol consumption summary archetype (Clinical Knowledge Manager) is, as you point out, designed so that all specific elements are organised within the “Per episode” cluster. The thinking behind this is that all these details are always, technically, part of an “episode”, even though that episode may be undefined and unnamed. You may have noticed that all the elements within the “Per episode” cluster are optional.

So in your use case, you can use only a single instance of the “Per episode” cluster, and exclude all the elements you don’t need, for example leaving only the “Typical consumption” element.


and/or explicitly re-name the episode/event as ‘life-long’ use?

If that’s what you intend to record. My understanding is that the “how much do you drink?” questions typically have an undefined “typically nowadays” context.

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Many thanks for the explanation. Yes can completely understand the reasoning behind the “per episode” set up as its not uncommon for patients to have periods of previous heavier or lighter drinking etc and this structure allows that sort of data capture. And after having more of a think about it we can absolutely just use this per episode structure and as you mentioned, if the situation allows, keep the episode undefined/unnamed. Many thanks again

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Hi Ian,
Yes thats a great tip thanks, I hadnt thought of rename to fit purpose!
Many thanks

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