Which Composition archetype is most suitable for documenting meetings where patient is not present?

While working with openEHR at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, we have discussed which Composition archetype would be most suitable for documenting meetings where the patient is not present. For example, this may involve multidisciplinary conferences where clinicians with different specialties discuss the patient’s continued treatment or meetings in psychiatry where, for example, clinicians and social workers meet to discuss the patient.

We believe that the Encounter archetype is not suitable as it assumes that the patient has been involved.

Would one of the following archetypes be appropriate?

Hi Claudia,


I’d use the Review COMPOSITION. The metadata is pretty sparse, but one of the examples of use I added as author was Case coordinator reviews. I think it would be appropriate for MDT meetings and similar, even if the patient was present, but when the focus is not on a consultation but some kind of assessment and planning process.




Thanks for your fast reply @heather.leslie