Hi all,
For the openEHR conference we are planning some limited edition merch, plus the launch of the openEHR merch store. And we need you!
The question is simple: what is your favourite archetype?
Use the following poll to vote or if you have a better idea, reply to this thread. We will re-run the poll closer to the event if anything get contentious. The only rule: it has to ve a v1+, validated archetype. So dont get any ideas to quickly build the Best Archetype in the World Ever and add that in the mix! Vote for your top 3.
Does it have to be one archetype? There are some intriguing mindmaps from the design phase of several concepts. I know @heather.leslie has the latest version of one concept the Norwegian team and Heather worked on together, but as my brain is in deep sleep mode due to summer vacation, I’m not able to recall which . Maybe Heather can remember? We actually talked about printing it on a t-shirt and wear at the conference in November.
As for favourites, I had to think about this a bit, and I think it must be Problem/diagnosis:
It’s one of the OG archetypes, uploaded to CKM 16 years ago in 2008
It was one of the first archetypes I ran international reviews on, and got published in June 2015 after five(!) review rounds, with 33 reviewers submitting a total of 68 reviews
It’s fairly simple, with only 12 data elements, all on the root level
It’s only needed minor changes since its initial publication nine years ago, with a current SemVer version 1.4.0
It’s (at least partially) translated into 13 languages in addition to the original English, three of which have the “Completed” status
It’s one of the few published archetypes that I don’t have any misgivings about. It just works
Since “blood pressure” is used as the first and basic example or archetype, perhaps we could use it adding two sentences to the archetype. The first on above “Hello World!” and “This is openEHR” or “This is blood pressure” under the archetype.
This discussion triggered a memory of our openEHR Christmas message in 2017 from the clinical program… in the shape of a template that was in an incubator on CKM for a period of time.