Unit Labels lead to parsing Error

Hi there,

I wanted to ask whether I’m doing something wrong or there is small bug:
I think the Archetype designer produces adl files that do not parse correctly as soon as a label for the units is used.

I tested this out with a clean test Archetype containing just one “DV_Quantity” element.

It still parsed correctly when I just chose dioptres as the unit without a Label:

But as soon as I entered “Diopter” in the Label field I got this error when trying to upload it:

and somehow it does not follow the ATxxxx naming at that position

I attached my file for reference:
openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.test.v0.adl (2.3 KB)

The same thing happened to me when using meters and feet in another Archetype, so it’s not specific to the Diopter unit.
I will just not use the unit labels for now, but thought it may be of interest, or is there somewhere else i should report this to?

Many thanks!

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The unit labels are a Better extension, and do not create legal ADL.

Most of us think that adding these labels in archetypes is a bad idea TBH. Much better to let the UI when a human friendly label is required


That makes sense, thanks Ian! :slight_smile:

(Not that it wouldn’t be nice for beginners if it did not break the adl though!)

Personally I think the option should be hidden when in “archetype mode”.

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