The Specifications link is dead

points to - which doesn’t allow access to me. Is that intentional?

It may be better suited to being a published page - see:

The link should be

There are many dead links in the website, it needs some love.

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Doesn’t look too flash on mobile either! C’mon @marcusbaw you’d better make me an admin to harness my OCD ways…

I’ve fixed the header link on the forum now

I don’t control the website, but I can imagine managing a site that size there will be inevitably some dead links

I don’t ‘own’ this server somaking you admin is not my decision. However, @thomas.beale I can highly recommend @Nathan’s expertise with Discourse servers and tweaking the look/feel/user experience - he’s done good work on and

Are we talking about dead links in this site (Discourse) or in the main site?

The board is working currently on requirements for updating the main site. If there are any dead links, they can be reported to or posted on this jira project.

Yesterday I was clicking around on this spec and the links in the tables are most of them 404

I discovered a link generation problem. It’s fixed now, but of course these ‘scripts’ will get replaced by something more modern from your / HighMed’s work :wink:

I guess those could be linked to the robot implementation but I guess some README documentation is missing for anyone wanting to execute the tests.

Also I’m working on a load test tool for HiGHmed, that is not related with conformance, but could be used to test part of it