Template Better in XML?

when reading out the template in XML, these contents appear:


Does anyone know what this means?

I believe this is an ADL2 related attribute which is being introduced by the Better ADLl1.4 .opt generator (as they use ADL2 under the hood).

It should probably be removed and can certainly be ignored. AFAICT it is always set to false.

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match_negated is not a valid element in OPTs 1.4 so XML schemas will fail validating that.

thank you very much. What does that mean in the output then? Can it be neglected?

Yes - definitely.

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you can ignore it, though if you test those OPTs with OPT 1.4 tools that are strict in terms of validation, you will see some errors.

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I bumped into this issue (again) - this needs to be tackled if it was not already done.

Are you suggesting that this should be removed from any OPT 1.4 export? If so I agree -OPT 1.4 schemas are right to fail the validation.

I’m not proposing anything particular, other then that that we have to solve/fix this issue (as it is I guess still “open”).

In tools like EHRServer, Atomik and the openEHR Toolkit, where users can upload their OPTs and which those are validated against the openEHR schemas, this element doesn’t validate, but since many modelers are actually using Better modeling tools, I needed to add an extended XSD just to validate this case, and for this my users receive a warning, but I can’t block them. I believe this element was used by Marand tools at some point and got cascaded into the new Better modeling tools, but I don’t see it as a standard element, at least never heard on a single use case for it. IMO we need more strict XSD validation for all our standard XMLs (same for standard JSONs).

Talking about strict validation of artifacts, that is also needed for comfortable verification.