Swallowing archetypes

Does anyone know archetypes (or other information models) about the ability to swallow? I can’t find anything on ckm or apperta or Google.
The usecase would be to record things like choking, safety of different foods etc.

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Not a lot, yet !

Examination of Cranial Nerves should have carried ‘Gag reflex’ but I’d missed it and just added it now. If more detail was needed, I’d suggest a specific Exam specialisation for ‘Exam of IX and X cranial nerve archetype’ to be inserted into the relevant SLOT.

Details about the functional swallowing as might be recorded by a speech pathologist or similar clinician might be recorded using an OBSERVATION for purpose, including the safety of different foods etc.

It’s a complex area and any modelling we do should be mindful of what a full swallowing assessment requires, potentially including speech/singing etc…


Thanks Heather,
The usecase is reporting on observations on functional swallowing by a nurse/caretaker (as input for a speech pathologist). I agree on the suggested pattern. I was hoping for something ready made. It does not have enough priority for us to develop the archetype ourselves. Unless maybe anyone knows a different information model I could map/translate.
Please take it as a compliment that I was hoping something ready made would be available, it speaks to the amount of valuable information models already available in CKMs!

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Nearly all the existing archetype development has arisen out of use-cases just like this or for broader clinical safety reasons… very few de novo or ‘just because its a good idea’


@heidi.koikkalainen and @David-Jobling have been working in this area of Personal care assessments, built in part from the Dutch ZIBS models but adding in some examples from UK care home and care at home assessments. I can’t see anything specifically about feeding/swallowing but I think this probably belongs in a similar space.


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Though re-reading your original post @joostholslag - we are perhaps into this space (with crossover!!) https://www.nlg.nhs.uk/content/uploads/2013/11/IFP-0641Initial-Swallowing-Assessment.pdf

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@joostholslag @ian.mcnicoll I think Scottish care homes usually record nutrition information using the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST), which is an existing archetype, but it doesn’t include the ability to swallow. I agree that it does cross over with personal care assessments - in my old job, information about a person’s ability to swallow and details of required support were an important part of their personal plan - essential information for a front-line social care worker! We will hopefully have a closer look at that as part of the care home research/data modelling.