Software Development Kit for app development

Hi everybody,

you can get the latest build of EHRbase with beta support of flat format and webtemplates using the following docker command:

docker run --name ehrbase --network ehrbase-net -d -p 8080:8080 -e DB_URL=jdbc:postgresql://ehrdb:5432/ehrbase -e DB_USER=ehrbase -e DB_PASS=ehrbase -e ehrbaseorg/ehrbase:next

Remember to have postgres up and running beforehand:

docker network create ehrbase-net
docker run --name ehrdb --network ehrbase-net -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d -p 5432:5432 ehrbaseorg/ehrbase-postgres:latest

Please find a postman collection with an example

Flat.postman_collection.json (1.2 MB)

The implementation is still subject to change and should not yet be used for production. Have fun and we are looking forward to receive your feedback and issues.

If you want to take a look at the source code, check the dev branch on the openEHR SDK:

PS: we are also missing an example generator which makes life a bit harder but sending via canonical JSON/XML and then getting an example in the flat format via GET is well possible