Set a SLOT (CLUSTER) to mandatory

Can a SLOT (CLUSTER) be set to mandatory, i.e. its ‘Occurrences’ set to ‘1…*’?

The following screenshot shows a very simple ‘Blood pressure’ template with an enclosed blood pressure observation archetype. I have added an ‘Anatomical location’ cluster archetype in its ‘Structured measurement location’ slot. To make the entry of an anatomical location mandatory, I would like to constrain the ‘Occurrences’ of the slot to ‘1..*’. However, every time I modify this ‘Occurrences’ to ‘1..*’, it reverts to ‘0..*’.


  1. Is the constraining of ‘Occurrences’ of a slot supported by ADL (i.e. is the described problem an error of the Archetype Designer (Archetype Designer))?
  2. What other option is there to make content mandatory for the ‘Anatomical location’ in the ‘Structured measurement location’ slot?

Just make the Anatomical location cluster archetype, which fills the slot, mandatory.

I have already set the ‚Occurences‘ of the Anatomical location cluster archetype to ‚1…1‘ (see screenshot: Element with light blue background):

And I have even set the ‚protocol‘ node to ‚Mandatory‘ (see screenshot: node with light blue background):

But I can still create compositions based on this template with no ‘Anatomical location’ on our openEHR CDR.

I do attach the Template Fileset and the post body of the example composition to this post to illustrate this:
Template Fileset:
Blood pressure.opt (100.5 KB)

post body of the example composition with missing ‘Anatomical location’:
Blood pressure Composition.json (1.5 KB)