SDK for Operational templates

I finished my OPT SDK generator. It can generate an object-oriented classes for any OPT2.

Then I had an idea to save the OPT types tree to a JSON to help me debug my code.

I realized this might be an useful to others too. People can use JSON with OPT types (with included properties and constraints) to do anything they need - without dependence on my code generators.

The first reaction to the SDK JSON was: “this looks like Web Templates”. What do you think?

As JSON everything looks similar. With my version I can see some differences:

  • My goal is not to simplify away the RM. I embrace it.
  • My version is not meant to be used as “data format” only.
  • My main target is generated OO code so I make sure that all the necessary abstract types are included.

Download full Vital signs examples:

…and please let me know if this is useful. Especially the JSON version.

A short example for JSON:

"BloodPressureObservationDataEventAnyEventDataBloodPressureItemSystolic": {
  "parent_type_name_suffix": "Systolic",
  "parent_type_name": "BloodPressureObservationDataEventAnyEventDataBloodPressureItem",
  "type_name": "BloodPressureObservationDataEventAnyEventDataBloodPressureItemSystolic",
  "extends_type_name": "ELEMENT",
  "implements_type_name": "BloodPressureObservationDataEventAnyEventDataBloodPressureItem",
  "properties": {
    "value": {
      "bmm_name": "value",
      "bmm_type_name": "DV_QUANTITY",
      "description": "Peak systemic arterial blood pressure  - measured in systolic or contraction phase of the heart cycle.",
      "path": "/data[id2]/events[id7]/data[id4]/items[id5]/value",
      "logical_path": "/data[id2|History|]/events[id7|Any event|]/data[id4|blood pressure|]/items[id5|Systolic|]/value"
  "constraints": {
    "value": {
      "_type": "Interval<DV_QUANTITY>",
      "lower_unbounded": false,
      "upper_unbounded": false,
      "lower_included": true,
      "upper_included": true,
      "lower": {
        "_type": "DV_QUANTITY",
        "magnitude": 0.0,
        "units": "mm[Hg]",
        "property": {
          "_type": "CODE_PHRASE",
          "terminology_id": {"_type": "OBJECT_ID", "value": "openehr"},
          "code_string": "125",
          "_code_value": "Pressure"
        "precision": 0
      "upper": {
        "_type": "DV_QUANTITY",
        "magnitude": 1000.0,
        "units": "mm[Hg]",
        "property": {
          "_type": "CODE_PHRASE",
          "terminology_id": {"_type": "OBJECT_ID", "value": "openehr"},
          "code_string": "125",
          "_code_value": "Pressure"
        "precision": 0
  "locatable_archetype_node_id": "id5|Systolic|",
  "locatable_name": "Systolic"