A question I originally posed to SEC, but more widely relevant, so moved here…
Due to my lack of proper management of the BMM spec, back in ~2018 when I wasn’t sure if it was being used, I failed to ensure that we created a release of the state of BMM corresponding to a) the code in ADL Workbench (which is known working), b) Archetype Designer, which if I am not mistaken uses Better code based on the same version of the spec and c) Archie.
The version that matters is this one in the BASE component (I added a tag ‘BMM-3.0’ just to not lose it), from 09-09-2018.
Some time later (09-11-2018) I created the LANG component (which we agreed IIRC in a prior Valencia UPV meeting), and moved BMM to it. However, between these two dates, quite a lot of additions were done to it, which the above-mentioned tools don’t need in their current working form.
In retrospect I should have suggested that we create a BASE Release 1.0.4 (or even 1.1.0) on that commit (we had already done 1.0.3), so that it became a visible release on the specs site. However, even if I had done so, we would have this snapshot 3.0 release in BASE, and the current working copy in LANG, where it belongs…
Now that I am about to start working on the Archie BMM code, I would like to establish a release somewhere that it and the other tools implementing BMM can refer to. It’s going to be confusing having this BMM 3.0 sitting in BASE (where it actually is), but to put it in LANG means rewriting history somehow, e.g. maybe creating a branch right from the first commit of LANG and pasting in a copy of this 3.0 form of the BMM from BASE, and tagging that as LANG Release-1.0.0. Note that we have no releases of LANG so far at all (= no tags), so we could do this.
Thoughts (other than ‘what the hell were you thinking?’ …)