RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION.parent_resource is mandatory but value is missing in templates

RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION.parent_resource is mandatory but value is missing in templates

RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION has attribute “parent_resource” as mandatory.

This attribute is not provided in templates (e.g. openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1.0.7.adls).

Should the attribute RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION.parent_resource be optional in “openehr_base_110.bmm”?

Maybe I don’t understand what its value should be?

It has a “comment” in the specifications: {default = } but the default value is not provided.

And the “Meaning” says: “Reference to owning resource.” Type of “parent_resource” is not a reference but a copy by value of an AUTHORED_RESOURCE.

This should be fixed in the UML; it is a reverse reference that can only be constructed on instantiation, and cannot be persisted. Normally these kind of refs are shown in blue - seems this one is not. You can ignore it for any schemas representing persistent data.