It seems to me that EHRbase resolves OBJECT_REF refs in case of EHR_STATUS, replacing it with the actual object - see (UN)COMMON QUERIES | EHRbase Docs, but basically it is about an AQL like:
So my questions are:
- Is this a (nice) EHRbase-feature, or an AQL requirement that I am not aware of?
- Is this also working on Better platform AQL
- Is this only implemented for EHR/EHR_STATUS refs, or is it also available to more other situations? (for example for refs somewhere inside COMPOSITION structures)
The Better CDR works exactly the same - I would guess this comes from original Ocean CDR behaviour.
Can you give an example of other Composition refs, other than LINKS and EHR_URIS that are not resolved?
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I don’t have an example, I was curious about what else besides EHR_STATUS is resolved in this fashion.
These cases could be for instance refs of the other EHR aspects (directory, ehr_status, contribution, etc) or from FOLDERs enclosing COMPOSITION. any other place where OBJECT_REF is used.
If this case of object ref is always resolved, then:
- should we have this specified in the AQL specs?
- what to do with an AQL that is considering the RM and is trying to get he OBJECT_REF? (e.g.
SELECT e/ehr_status/id/type FROM EHR e
- What else (besides EHR_STATUS) should the specs state that it should be always resolved?
In any case, the issue with accessing EHR_STATUS could have been solved in a different way, without having the engine replace the ref with the corresponding object, with using equivalent SELECT es FROM EHR contains EHR_STATUS es
, right?