Published archetypes are missing ""

Some archetypes are missing “” and are published. Validator should prevent that since the “author” is a required attribute.

Screenshot 2021-12-26 at 19.08.05

As part of “Vital signs” and “COVID-19 Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment - 7th edition” templates I found that Finnish translations are missing the author attribute:

  • openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1.0.5; build_uid=a25deeff-00a9-456d-9e52-83e206b2d5d7
  • openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1.0.7; build_uid=1e05ff9f-eace-4e26-b7b0-1d3f44cbdb01
  • openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.health_risk.v1.1.7; build_uid=ff15f447-2da4-421b-8d34-fc8794f30e24
  • openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.problem_diagnosis.v1.0.10; build_uid=49d5253b-19cc-49b7-b240-b6836690b27d
  • openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.symptom_sign_screening.v0.0.1-alpha; build_uid=b3f003da-8752-4546-9b93-1da8002df36f
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The archetype Clinical Knowledge Manager has the (indeed mandatory) author map in the ADL, it is just empty.

Providing author details would of course be good, but I could not find anywhere in the specs that says that an empty author map is illegal. Is there an invariant somewhere that I am missing? Resource Model

Also note that the Finnish translation in the encounter archetype is partial only and only in status Draft.

BTW, when you translate an archetype in CKM directly your translator details are prefilled, so this would not happen unless you delete it explicitly.

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Thank you for looking into this @sebastian.garde.

I guess I should change my AM generator to consider the default cardinality of |>=0| for List/Hash properties.
I was wrong to assume that mandatory=true for a list would allow an empty list.

I still believe that marking a property as mandatory also means that it shouldn’t be empty. It just doesn’t look right to leave the author empty (even if it is valid grammar):

["fi"] = <
  language = <[ISO_639-1::fi]>
  author = <
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I agree in principle that you SHOULD usually have a translator name at least.
Just having the author element without anything in it is definitely not very useful - other than maybe act as a reminder that should be something added.

In the case of the archetype above, nearly no translation took place (only a single word I think).
Certainly before the translation is published the translator should preferably be named.
However, there will always be exceptions where the original translator may not be known, or does not want to be known, …so from my point of view, we could add a recommendation to the specs, and tools like CKM could provide a validation warning (not an error) if this is the case.

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