Problems creating an EHR with Swagger EHRbase API

Hi, my name is Sofia. I am introducing with EHRbase API and I have problems creating an EHR using PUT.
I am trying to use this code:

"archetype_node_id": "openEHR-EHR-EHR_STATUS.generic.v1",
"name": {
  "value": "EHR status"},
"uid": {
  "_type": "OBJECT_VERSION_ID",
  "value": ""},
"subject": {
  "_type": "PARTY_SELF"},
"is_queryable": true,
"is_modifiable": true

but gives me this error:

  "error": "Bad Request",
  "message": "Could not resolve subtype of [simple type, class com.nedap.archie.rm.RMObject]: missing type id property '_type'\n at [Source: REDACTED (`StreamReadFeature.INCLUDE_SOURCE_IN_LOCATION` disabled); line: 1, column: 271]"

What can I do to solve this problem?

Hi Sofia,

not sure about the error message in particular, but your payload might not be correct (you are missing the _type information of the EHR_STATUS object). See here for a working example:

    "_type": "EHR_STATUS",
    "archetype_node_id": "openEHR-EHR-EHR_STATUS.generic.v1",
    "name": {
        "value": "EHR Status"
    "subject": {
        "external_ref": {
            "id": {
                "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
                "value": "ins01",
                "scheme": "id_scheme"
            "namespace": "examples",
            "type": "PERSON"
    "is_modifiable": true,
    "is_queryable": true

When using put, you should also provide the EHR ID as part of the URL like


If you want EHRbase to create an UUID, use POST instead.

Hope this helps

Thanks! Now it works!

My next doubt comes when using POST to create a composition
If I use the code from de OpenEHR Manual:

  "archetype_node_id": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1",
  "name": {
    "value": "Vital Signs"
  "uid": {
    "_type": "OBJECT_VERSION_ID",
    "value": ""
  "archetype_details": {
    "archetype_id": {
      "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
    "template_id": {
      "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
    "rm_version": "1.0.2"
  "language": {
    "terminology_id": {
      "value": "ISO_639-1"
    "code_string": "en"
  "territory": {
    "terminology_id": {
      "value": "ISO_3166-1"
    "code_string": "NL"
  "category": {
    "value": "event",
    "defining_code": {
      "terminology_id": {
        "value": "openehr"
      "code_string": "433"
  "composer": {
    "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
    "external_ref": {
      "id": {
        "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
        "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
        "scheme": "pid"
      "namespace": "",
      "type": "PERSON"
    "name": "A name"
  "context": {
    "start_time": {
      "value": "2014-11-18T09:50:35.000+01:00"
    "setting": {
      "value": "other care",
      "defining_code": {
        "terminology_id": {
          "value": "openehr"
        "code_string": "238"
  "content": []

It gives me another error:

  "error": "Internal Server Error",
  "message": "An internal error has occurred. Please contact your administrator."

I don’t know how to solve it. How can I solve it?

Another question, once I have created an EHR with the code you gave me, where can I see that info, if I make a GET I see it but if I enter in OpenEMR can I also see it there?

I want to create an EHR with many encounters but I don’t really understand how this works. Do you know other manuals or tutorials that explain how to understand this step by step?

I think the best source is @Sidharth_Ramesh 's YouTube channel with different tutorials:

We also have a small tutorial in the EHRbase documentation, but I admit that this requires an overhaul: openEHR Introduction | EHRbase Docs

The json payload above, representing a composition to be created, is not ready to be used on real systems. It represents roughly a composition, but is invalid as is missing content; and perhaps you also need to create / publish the template that is used. So don’t use example as-is, rather focus on complete flow from to generate real valid content.
In any case Birger’s recommendation are going to help you further.

For your concrete problem, I would recommend the following approach. After uploading the Template, you can let EHRbase create an example for you

GET localhost:8080/ehrbase/rest/openehr/v1/definition/template/adl1.4/Körpergewicht/example?format=FLAT

Replace “Körpergewicht” with your template id. This will give you an example composition like this for the FLAT representation:

    "körpergewicht/category|value": "event",
    "körpergewicht/category|code": "433",
    "körpergewicht/category|terminology": "openehr",
    "körpergewicht/context/status|code": "at0010",
    "körpergewicht/context/status|value": "registriert",
    "körpergewicht/context/status|terminology": "local",
    "körpergewicht/context/kategorie:0": "Lorem ipsum",
    "körpergewicht/context/start_time": "2022-02-03T04:05:06",
    "körpergewicht/context/setting|value": "home",
    "körpergewicht/context/setting|terminology": "openehr",
    "körpergewicht/context/setting|code": "225",
    "körpergewicht/context/_end_time": "2022-02-03T04:05:06",
    "körpergewicht/context/_health_care_facility|name": "DOE, John",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/gewicht|magnitude": 500.0,
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/gewicht|unit": "kg",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/time": "2022-02-03T04:05:06",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/width": "PT42H",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/math_function|terminology": "openehr",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/math_function|code": "145",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/math_function|value": "minimum",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/language|terminology": "ISO_639-1",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/language|code": "de",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/encoding|code": "UTF-8",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/encoding|terminology": "IANA_character-sets",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/_work_flow_id|id": "121d020d-0639-3fc3-a3ed-21f2d72eee1f",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/_work_flow_id|id_scheme": "scheme",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/_work_flow_id|namespace": "unknown",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/_work_flow_id|type": "ANY",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/_guideline_id|id": "97063a6d-140c-3bbf-a25b-35ee3c0adeda",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/_guideline_id|id_scheme": "scheme",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/_guideline_id|namespace": "unknown",
    "körpergewicht/körpergewicht/_guideline_id|type": "ANY",
    "körpergewicht/language|code": "de",
    "körpergewicht/language|terminology": "ISO_639-1",
    "körpergewicht/territory|terminology": "ISO_3166-1",
    "körpergewicht/territory|code": "DE",
    "körpergewicht/composer|name": "Max Mustermann"

Then you can use the result to create the composition with

POST localhost:8080/ehrbase/rest/openehr/v1/composition?templateId=Körpergewicht&format=FLAT

I’m trying to upload a template using POST adl template 1.4 but I don’t know which templates are valid to upload. I want a template to introduce de personal data of a patient such as name, surname, phone address …

Where can I find them and how should I upload them???


EHRBase and its DB are started up with the latest official Docker images, including keycloak. Then what is the default ehrbase-url?

you should be able to access via localhost:8080. In doubt, you can always check using docker ps oder docker inspect.

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Thanks, Birger. My local EHRBase server instance (based on its offical Docker images) can be accessed now.

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