Pharmacogenetics archetypes and templates

We have been working with a team at University of Manchester, NHS England and the G4AGH Pharmacogenomics Working Group to develop some Pharmacogenetics (PGx) models to support clinical decision support in GP systems in the UK.

The resultant models are intended to capture both the specific lab test data, and the derived ‘PGx phenotype’ that is critical to triggering appropriate prescribing support. We did look at perhaps adapting the Precaution archetype but after discussion feels that a new archetype is more appropriate - see this page for background

We were planning to run some reviews on the Apperta CKM - see Project details but feel that this might be more appropriate to do internationally, though we will need to start the process very soon either way.

We have resource to support the editorial process if the Clinical Program Board / CKM admins agree that it is ok for us to run the reviews within the international CKM environment with some oversight e.g one of the CKM team joining as a reviewer

We would be interested to know if others are working in this space.

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I’m in favour of doing this review in the international CKM, alternatively in parallel if there’s a requirement to do it in Apperta. Our experience from the Norwegian governance is that local → international doesn’t work, but international → local does work. So currently we operate on an “international first” principle.

Have the models been added as proposals in the international CKM?

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We have not added them as CRs yet, as we really wanted to take them through some sort of review before doing so.

The only reason for doing them in Apperta is time pressure TBH. Our sponsors are in a hurry!

Basically we just need permission to create or be given a Project, then we will move our project contents over to int CKM and get going.

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The current practice is archetype proposal → quick editorial walkthrough → import to project → project editors get going with reviews.

If you’d upload a proposal, we can have the editorial walkthrough with you in a video meeting soon, and then reviews can start as soon as you’re ready?


@ian.mcnicoll - ultimately the process will be most efficient if the archetype proposed for review starts in alignment with the existing International archetype patterns. In my experience, it could save you a whole review round.

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Change request uploaded now to Clinical Knowledge Manager

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Correct link:

Just a note to say that this will undergo some minor updates to take on board CKM admins advice before it goes to review.


I’d be happy to contribute to this archetype, I have a couple use cases which I’d like to use @siljelb @ian.mcnicoll


Hi Koray, the second review round of the Pharmacogenetic result archetype is now open on the CKM - your contribution would be much appreciated! :slight_smile: Happy to have a chat if you’d like more information about the background and discussions from the first review round.

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Thanks @heidi.koikkalainen I’d be delighted to!
May I suggest to invite Dr Anmol Kapoor who’s a practicing physician and also building digital platforms, including a fully fledged -omics with links to EHR. Pharmacogenetics reporting is a key feature (Experience Pgaro - Your Pathway to Personalized Health and Well-being) and I’m sure his contributions would be invaluable.
His email:
Anmol Kapoor - Anryton | LinkedIn

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Hi there,
Just slipping in a remark: Nice to have as much reviewers as possible! In order to invite new reviewers, they have to be an user in the CKM. If “someone”, for example you Koray, as you know Mr. Kapool :slight_smile: , could send him the instructions to do so. Here: Self-Registration in CKM - openEHR Clinical - Confluence (
And then Heidi will invite him to the review as soon as he’s registered?

CKA in the international CKM

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Agree. We actually have an email template ready for this which @heidi.koikkalainen will get over to you @Koray_Atalag . Much better if the intro comes from you.


Noted thanks - following up with Dr Kapoor.



Thank you for providing an update on the progress of your project regarding the development of Pharmacogenetics (PGx) models to support clinical decision-making in GP systems in the UK. It’s great to hear about the collaboration between the University of Manchester, NHS England, and the G4AGH Pharmacogenomics Working Group in this important endeavor.

Regarding the adaptation of the Precaution archetype and the decision to develop a new archetype, it’s crucial to choose the approach that best aligns with the specific requirements and objectives of the project. I trust that the discussions led to the conclusion that a new archetype would be more suitable for capturing the necessary lab test data and PGx phenotype effectively.

Running reviews on the Apperta CKM is a significant step in ensuring the quality and usability of the developed models. While there was initial consideration for conducting reviews within the UK, the decision to explore international collaboration for this purpose seems prudent. Engaging with a broader pool of reviewers internationally can provide valuable insights and perspectives, contributing to the refinement and validation of the PGx models.

I appreciate your proactive approach in seeking input from the Clinical Program Board and CKM admins regarding the editorial process and the feasibility of running reviews within the international CKM environment. Collaboration and oversight from the CKM team can help ensure the integrity and rigor of the review process.

In terms of others working in this space, it would be beneficial to connect with relevant stakeholders and organizations involved in pharmacogenetics research and implementation globally. Sharing insights, experiences, and best practices can foster collaboration and drive progress in this evolving field.

Overall, your efforts to advance pharmacogenetics in clinical trials practice are commendable, and I look forward to hearing about further developments and successes in the future.

Best regards,

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the kind support. Can you give us some background to your interest in this area, or would you be interested in signing up to CKM as a reviewer? The second review round is just newly open

Always happy to chat further via private message…