
We at crs4 have created a simple GUI for EHRBase. The project still in beta is at the following url:

It has most of the main methods from the openEHR API specification.I hope to extend it to other backends.

Enjoy it


Great instructions!

Can you please add few screenshots here/GitHub? It is a GUI tool :wink:

I added at the end of the in the github repo some screenshots to give an idea of the interface. I attach them here too.

Hi to all,
Unfortunately i can’t download linkedEHR from openehr site!
Could you please introduce a trust and accessible link for download it?
This is the download site of the vendor. If you have special security concerns you could discuss integrity checks with @yampeku

Just tried for the first time today. Super useful!
Might deserve some attention from @Sidharth_Ramesh in a video.


openEHR-tool is very useful indeed!
I can start it in separated mode with my EHRBase instance.
Now, I can’t delete a specified Template.

404 Error

Current Settings

1)Did you check in the template list if the template was deleted?
2)Did you use any other “admin” method before this one? did it work?

If the template is still there and other admin method work, can you provide me the template ? that way I try it myself to better understand what is going on

you can open an issue in any of these two repo:

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Hi Giovanni! The template is still there (in the list). It tried to deleted it only with the user/role showed in the snapshot above.

Tomorrow morning, I’ll share the opt with you.

Hi, Giovanni.
Here is the OPT template I uploaded to my EHRBase instance:
Cause of death.opt (35.4 KB)

A database query shows that the template still exists in the ehr.template_store.

And the GET operation ‘List Templates’ still returns the template in the result list as following:

When trying to do the operation ‘Delete Template’ in the ‘ADMIN methods’ menu,

EHRBase console gave the following Warning:

openEHR-tool console gave the following messages:

In fact, through testing, it was found that all templates had such a deletion issue.


Add these related EHRBase environment vars in the docker-compose.yml and restart the docker images:



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I tried to reproduce the problem. In my environment the deletion works. I thought it could be related to the name that has spaces but it’s not that, the deletion works irrespective of the added/removed spaces.

As you said it must be related to the environment variables. About the environment variables, they are already included in .env.ehrbase which is loaded by the docker “total” yaml file (the only exception being “admin-api.enabled” which is not present in .env.ehrbase).

thank you for your post. I updated the README to include the environment variables you mentioned apart from admin-api.enabled.

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Thanks, Surfer. At last, I had to delete the only one opt without any comp instance by SQL.

Is this possibly related to indexing?

I really don’t know

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I just realised that the Caszue of Death .opt is based on an EVALUATION archetype and irt should only really be possible to create an .opt from a COMPOSITION archetype.

Entry-based templates only act as pre-constrained components to pull into a Composition template, they cannot (or should not) be used to create .opts directly.

@Lin - how did you create that .opt?


Oh, I see. This is my first time uploading a template. Thanks, Ian.

In addition, what purpose(s) are these non-Composition Templates (OET) for?

Why such an OET Template couldn’t loaded normally by Ocean Template Designer, but CKM can? Because Ocean Template Designer is using my local copy of the CKM repo downloaded by CKM Bulk Export, which doesn’t include previous versions of the Archetype(s) renferenced by the OET Template?


Non-composition templates (we often call them “embedded templates”) are used as preconstrained components to build composition templates, to avoid having to do the same constraints multiple times, and/or standardise them.


Yup - so what has happened here is that the .oet was built with an older version of the archetype that is not exported by the bulk import (or by the Git mirror).

We do probably need to cull these ‘broken’ .oets or rebuild with the latest archetype equivalent.

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Thanks, Silje.
You mean such an embedded template can be directly imported into a new template to accelerate the template editing process?