Openehr SDK dependency problem

Hi everyone, I am newbie of this. I started using openehr sdk to setup for my mini project. But it has some problems that my project cannot run correctly.


I tried to use that but always have problems:
Parameter 0 of constructor in com.example.demo.service.SelfReportedDataService required a bean of type ‘org.ehrbase.openehr.sdk.client.openehrclient.defaultrestclient.DefaultRestClient’ that could not be found.
Thank you for reading my topic

@Vy_Tr_ng - I moved this request so it might get more visibility by the EhrBase community.

@vidi42 ??

@Vy_Tr_ng this sounds vaguely familiar. Have you checked of there is already an issue in GitHub related to this?
If not could you please open one?


the ehrbase sdk is not a spring boot lib. it will not create any beans for you please see openEHR_SDK/client/src/test/java/org/ehrbase/openehr/sdk/client/openehrclient/defaultrestclient at develop · ehrbase/openEHR_SDK · GitHub

for usage.

also you you can get the dependencies from maven central Maven Central: org.ehrbase.openehr.sdk:client

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