In SEC we are having a discussion about revamping the vocabulary files to achieve naming agreements for most terminologies. Apart from the ones available in the usual lists it is probably worth collecting all common use vocabularies, terminologies, and potentially extensions that are being used across a given country that could end referenced in openEHR data. ICD10-CM (with legacy ICD9 still referenced) and ICD10PCS are also used
If you are part of an openEHR node (or know somebody that is member of one) do a quick mental recap of what’s being used in your country and fill a little list.
For example, in the case of Spain, the common used terminologies not typically referenced in lists are:
The Spanish Snomed extension created by Spanish Ministry of Health, Spanish National drug codes created by AEMPS (Spanish drug agency), infirmary related vocabularies such as NANDA, NIC, NOC, ICPC and ICPC2 in primary care, etc. ICD10-CM (with legacy ICD9 codes) and ICD10PCS are also used