Just to clarify, the intention of the shared modeling area is to simplify collaboration using Archetype Designer when experimenting with templates and sometimes archetypes. This is not in any way an attempt to repace or circumvent the CKM. If new or improved archeetypes of international interest are produced they will go through the normal CKM processes of review rounds etc.
I assume the participants in the shared pathology modeling discussion (see Refreshing archetypes related to pathology reporting) will assign the IP-rights to openEHR, that’s why we were looking for a space to experiment under the openEHR Github organisation.
@thomas.beale thanks for creating the teams! I managed to add @ian.mcnicoll (freshehr) to the clin_mod_editor team (since he was already a member of the openEHR github organisaion. However as team “maintainer” role I was not allowed to add svdubois (see screenshot below) - he is considered an “external collaborator” since he is not yet a member of the openEHR Github organisation. Not qiute sure what the best way to handle that is in order to not wamp organisation owners - I’ll try to collect the Github IDs of the people involved in the patology modeling so that an organisation owner can add all at once.