openEHR Conference Barcelona - 6th of June 2023

Dear friends

We are finally announcing the openEHR International conference to be held in Barcelona the 6th of June 2023. The conference will be organised by Sistema de Salut de Catalunya and Fundació TICSALUT.

We have booked the main conference room at the Faculty of Medicine of Universitat de Barcelona linked to Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

Further information to come in the following days! Mark the days in your calendars to learn about how to build the third generation patient-centric electronic health record :grinning:

There will also be the option to watch the streaming which will be free for all.

Hoping to see you all in Barcelona.


Thank you very much for the announcement. I am looking forward joining this great event online.

Best regards


openEHR Supporter by heart

Michael Lutz
M.A. Gesundheitsmanagement

Dauner Str. 2a
D-54634 Bitburg

Tel: +49 (0) 6561 9426 10
Fax: +49 (0) 6561 9426 15

USt.-ID DE206640760

Zitat von Jordi Piera-Jiménez via openEHR <>:

Will there be a simulcast live stream for people who cannot physically attend?

Yes! We will stream the conference . Free for all attending.


Excellent, thanks!

Wow, looking forward to it :slightly_smiling_face:



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Is it this location?

And where do I sign up?

Yes - that’s it, or at least I hope so as I have booked a hotel near there. I arrive on 4th and leave on Thursday 8th.

Sign-up here:

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Hello everyone,

You can find information about the conference and how to register at: openEHR Conference: "No time to waste: building the lifelong, patient-centric EHR" - TIC Salut Social


Nice places to eat in Barcelona:


Hi all,
Anyone arriving at the airport this evening who cares for sharing transport to Barcelona? I’m arriving 19.30-ish. Should be ready to take a taxi by 20.15 or so. Better to ride together, more eco-friendly!

I am earlier (I hope). I’ll try the airport bus which seems to be quite convenient as well, depending on where you need to go of course.

Dear all,

Here you have a site that explains different ways to reach Barcelona city from airport.

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Dear all,

This is the YouTube link to follow the conference



Thanks for the link, Daniel.

I wish everyone an exciting and fruitful meeting in beautiful Barcelona.

We just arrived and travel by metro using a 4d card. Works well, halve way there. But we stay in a private appartement.

Ill arive 20.05 and have a taxi booked. Would You call me if you are at the aiport then. +358408394980

LähetettyOutlook for Android

Thanks, nice offer. But I had already left. See ya all tomorrow.

Great! See you then!

LähetettyOutlook for Android

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