Online openEHR2FHIR transformer

It has been in closed “beta” for a few months, so I’m finally officially releasing the online front-end for the transformation of openEHR archetypes and templates to several FHIR profiles (Observation, Questionnaire) and artifacts (LogicalModels). This uses the same principles already discussed before. The only main difference is that for logical models you can also input the archetype or template id and it will be automatically retrieved from openEHR CKM

Link is

To summarize, it contains three different options:
Transform to FHIR Observation
Takes an openEHR archetype or template as an input and provides a little interface to control the FHIR Observation generation (controlling what should be generated as component , value or as extensions)

Transform to FHIR Questionnaire
A simple functionality that takes an openEHR archetype or template and generates a FHIR Questionnaire from it

Transform to FHIR Logical Model
This transforms archetypes and templates based on any Reference Model and returns a FHIR Logical Model definition from it.

Feel free to try it and give feedback :smiley:


Looks like an interesting capability - does anyone know where I can source some example archetype instances so I can give it a whirl?

This only generates the profile (or logical model), not transforms openEHR data. You can get archetypes and templates from openEHR CKM


Oh I see, apologies I misunderstood.

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@yampeku - it looks like the convertor is down?

yes, had it on a free tier of oracle, now I’m looking to migrate it to a more permanent solution

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I’ve uploaded again to an alternative VM in the meantime
Pretty URL coming later :slight_smile:

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Looks like both links are broken. We would like to have a look at this during a hackathon in the Netherlands this week. Any alternative way to access the transformer?

Oracle removed free machines, will try to see if I can put it online again, but in any case all functionality is available on the free version of linkEHR desktop app (java)


Finally is back online


it seems to be down again

Back online


Would it be possible to generate a FHIR connect mapping for FHIR questionnaires generated from an openEHR archetype? This would make it easier to record data using IHE Structured Data Capture using FHIR frontend but model and persist the data in an openEHR CDR.

There are 2 aspects to this.

  1. Generating a bundle of Qustionairre resources (design-side) from openEHR templates.

Based on the work @yampeku and others have done, mostly on FHIR logical models this is very achievable.

I’m not sure FHIR-Connect is the best tool for this particular exercise. I suspect it is much easier to create direct, automated mappings/transforms from openEHR templates to a bundle of FHIR Questionnaires.

  1. I suspect, on the same basis, it might also be fairly easy to auto-transform (both ways) FHIR QuestionnaireReponse instances to an openEHR composition. I suspect there would still be little real benefit in using FHIR-Connect for this, as such, but no harm in FHIRConnect definitions being generated. Once we are into QReposnses being mapped into other FHIR resources F-C definitely has a major role.
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Yes, this is what @yampeku’s tool is doing, right? (Or is it transforming archetypes instead of templates? I’m not suggesting doing that using FHIR-connect.

What I’d like as an additional feature is to have a mapping between the source template and the target resource in FHIR connect format. This would make it easier to transform (instance) data. Now my assumption is this should be doable to automate based on @yampeku’s conversion algorithm and the artefacts.

archetypes or templates, yeah. openEHR paths are known when generating the questionnaire, so the generation of openEHR data from the questionnaire should be doable as far as we fill the context information

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Sure - these are not ‘exclusive’ activities.

If a FHIR questionnaire bundle includes mappings to ‘semantic’ artefacts like Observations or AllergyIntolerance, it might be possible to use this to autogenerate FHIR-Connect mappings but I suspect right now the whole FHIR SDC Form Population ideas are limited in real experience.

There are (correctly) a lot of caveats in there. Definitely worth exploring though.


Yes, this should also be possible to be generated automatically as long as autogenerated profiles are ok for the use case

I also suspect that autogenerating FHIRConnect mappings should also be possible


Yes, but it will require a mapping to be written then.
Most of FHIRconnect tries to reuse, these will be mappings from scratch (which is still fast if aligns well), if there is no specific repeating architecture in the converter.
FHIRconnect can do that, would just need to know a profile or apply an clause to understand this is this template.
The rest is just writing mappings down.