On-the-fly generation of an OBSERVATION Archetype based on a LOINC Panel

While studying the modeling patterns of the questionnaire/scale Archetypes, the following thought popped into my mind:

On-the-fly generation of an OBSERVATION Archetype based on a specified LOINC Panel structure or a similiar terminologically conceptual tree…

Such a kind of dynamically generated Archetypes could make the mapper’s life much more easier.

1..1    LOINC Panel  -->  Archetype root concept
    0..*    LOINC Term of Observation type  -->  ELEMENT
    0..*    LOINC Subpanel  -->  CLUSTER inside Archetype
        0..*    LOINC Term of Observation type  -->  ELEMENT
        0..*    LOINC Subpanel  -->  CLUSTER inside Archetype

Partial structure of LOINC 57022-6 CBC W Reflex Manual Differential panel - Blood

And the resulting Archetype would include term_bindings like:

term_bindings = <
	["LOINC"] = <
		items = <
			["at0004"] = <[LOINC::57022-6]>
			["at0005"] = <[LOINC::58410-2]>
			["at0006"] = <[LOINC::6690-2]>
			["at0007"] = <[LOINC::789-8]>
			["at0008"] = <[LOINC::718-7]>
			["at0009"] = <[LOINC::57023-4]>
			["at0010"] = <[LOINC::770-8]>
			["at0011"] = <[LOINC::35332-6]>
			["at0012"] = <[LOINC::19023-1]>
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I work with a client which has LOINC coded all their archetypes. This allows using LOINC codes instead of AQL paths to identify the elements. An example for blood pressure (but it works the same for questionnaires) using AQL paths:

      name: Blood pressure
      uri: https://ckm.openehr.org/ckm/archetypes/1013.1.3574
          name: Observationbp
          uri: https://build.fhir.org/bp.html
          resource: Observation
        - path: /data[at0001|History|]/events[at0006|Any event|]/data[at0003|Data|]/items
              - attribute: component
                path: code.coding.code
                      - systolic_loinc
                      - systolic_snomed
                      - diastolic_loinc
            systolic: at0004|Systolic|
            diastolic: at0005|Diastolic|
            systolic_loinc: http://loinc.org/8480-6
            diastolic_loinc: http://loinc.org/8462-4
            systolic_snomed: http://snomed.info/id/271649006
            diastolic_snomed: http://snomed.info/id/271650006

This can be made generic if archetype has term bindings as you suggest:

      uri: http://loinc.org/35094-2
      name: Blood pressure panel
        - attribute: data
              - attribute: component
                path: code.coding.code
                      - systolic_loinc
                      - systolic_snomed
                      - diastolic_loinc
            systolic: http://loinc.org/8480-6
            diastolic: http://loinc.org/8462-4
            systolic_loinc: http://loinc.org/8480-6
            diastolic_loinc: http://loinc.org/8462-4
            systolic_snomed: http://snomed.info/id/271649006
            diastolic_snomed: http://snomed.info/id/271650006

Notice that the last example is openEHR-neutral (I can explain in more detail how it works if there is an interest). It states a mapping from FHIR using LOINC and SNOMED CT codes alone. It could be used by any information model which has its artifacts coded.

Mapping EHR data and interoperability is not a technical problem. Once the archetypes will be LOINC and SNOMED CT coded, the mapping will be automated.

This is not a critique of the work done on existing archetypes by the clinical modelers. I’m stating my observations on a difficult future work that is still required to achieve semantic interoperability among different information models in healthcare.

And this might not even be the modelers “fault” since I see that people doing the coding have titles like “Clinical Terminologist”. I guess clinical terminologists should be involved with openEHR archetype modeling too.

I hope that one day we will be able to refer to e.g. systolic bp as LOINC 8480-6 Systolic blood pressure or http://snomed.info/id/271649006 instead of /data[at0001|History|]/events[at0006|Any event|]/data[at0003|Data|]/items[at0004|Systolic|].

There is a lot of work to be done on the LOINC and SNOMED side too. A lot of codes still need to be created.


Such generated Archetypes would include duplicate data points in relation to those proper ones in classic Archetypes.

@borut.jures May I ask a question? What mapping language are your yaml-like maps above based on? Thanks.

The schema is here and a few more examples.


Great! It looks straightforward and human-readable. Could such a map be converted to FHIR StructureMap?

I have some thoughts about this.

There may of course be other examples where this is more useful, but for things like (clinical biochem) lab analytes or panels, I wouldn’t want specific archetypes (generated or not) for each of them.

Why? Because there are thousands of them, and they will need to be governed. Additionally, a lab result OBSERVATION will need to contain a lot of additional elements not part of the LOINC panels.

This is an area where information models and terminology work really well together, by using the analyte terms from LOINC, NPU or whatever within more generic information models like Laboratory test result and Laboratory analyte result.

Could maybe generating templates or maybe even just terminology bindings, create similar kinds of effects without the drawbacks of generating archetypes?


The client I mentioned has solved this for 3000+ lab archetypes. As far as I can tell they used a combination of generated archetypes and templates with LOINC coding (so everything you mentioned :sweat_smile:). I cannot speak about their work (my part is only generating demo instances for these lab OPTs), but maybe they will decide to comment here.

I can share an example formula that clinicians write for setting random values and then use it for the interpretation (notice the use of only a LOINC code so the formula can be used by different information models):

# The normal range is 3.4 to 5.4 g/dL (34 to 54 g/L).
# Source: https://www.ucsfhealth.org/medical-tests/albumin-blood-(serum)-test
  uri: http://loinc.org/1751-7
  name: Albumin [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma
    - attribute: value
          g_dL_snomed: 2.5..6.5
          g_L_snomed: 25..65
            low: 3.4
            high: 5.4
            low: 34
            high: 54
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FHIR StructureMap and the FHIR Mapping Language are possible representations of EHR data mapping however in my experience they come short when complex conditions are required. This is why I decided to support the use of a full programming language (see at the end of this example). YAML is great but healthcare data is too complex for YAML. It is good to be able to use code when needed.

Another difference to StructureMap is integrated post-processing of the mapped data. Calculating Body Mass Index (BMI) is such an example. For this calculation we use mapped elements to calculate a value of another element. I wanted to support such use cases in the same YAML and avoid using another tool for the post-processing. Person with clinical knowledge who will write the mapping rules also has the knowledge how other data needs to be calculated. They can use the same YAML to specify additional post-processing rules so that they don’t have to rely on others (e.g. programmers) to do it for them.

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@siljelb You know, there are so many lab tests and panels AND their countless combinations that mappers would face significant manual workloads even with models like Laboratory test result and Laboratory analyte result available.

@borut.jures Thanks a lot for your valuable sharing!

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That is the problem Lab panels vary enormously even within single countries. At least for lab, we specifically designed the archetypes to be integration driven and not to have specific lab analyte/panel targets.

Could maybe generating templates or maybe even just terminology bindings, create similar kinds of effects without the drawbacks of generating archetypes?

One option worth exploring, I think is the FHIR ObservationDefinition - more of a lightweight set of reference metadata than full models.


A related reference:

An OpenEHR Template with the Integrated German LOINC Terms
Abdul-Mateen Rajput et al. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2021.

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