Nordic openEHR Collaboration Meeting November 2024

Welcome to the Nordic openEHR Collaboration Meeting November 26th 2024. We would like to invite you to participate in the meeting. The meeting will focus on the ongoing work in the Nordic region.

When and where
Tuesday November 26th 13:00-15:00 CET
Remote meeting through Teams

Meeting agenda
Theme: Citizen’s data
Time for discussion after each presentation.

Modeling the customer’s self reported data

Preparation for EHDS

  • How Finland is preparing to implement EHDS citizens’ rights and Personal Data Hub / Mari Peltola-Nykyri THL
  • Value from Nordic health data – VALO / Nima Jokilaakso, specialist Sitra International Programmes

Nordic around

  • Medical alert information / Claudia Ehrentraut Sweden
  • Country-wise topical issues of openEHR

Please contact Pirkko Kortekangas if You have any questions of remarks on the meeting.

Purpose of meeting
Connect with the Nordic openEHR community to explore ways of collaborating towards common goals related to the use of openEHR. Increase awareness for the use of openEHR in the Nordics and spread information about relevant projects. Some content might be relevant also for people outside the Nordics, but the Nordic countries will be in focus during the meeting.

How to join
If you haven’t already received an invitation for the time of the meeting, contact @mikael or Pirkko Kortekangas.


Hi! The themes are highly interesting, but the meeting collides with another meeting that some (not all) of us from Karolinska need to attend. Can you record the meeting and share later?

We have focused on discussions and collaboration during these meetings and some people doesn’t seem to be comfortable to do that when meetings are recorded. I therefore would like to not record the meeting. Maybe you can ask someone to take notes?