Purpose of meeting
Connect with the Nordic openEHR community to explore ways of collaborating towards common goals related to the use of openEHR.
When and where
Tuesday February 15th 13.00-15.00 CET, Online
How to join
Contact Mikael Nyström (mikael.nystrom@cambio.se)
Feel free to spread the invite to your openEHR network
Welcome and introductions (15 min)
Pirkko Kortekangas, openEHR Finland/Una Oy: openEHR clinical modelling under the umbrella of HL7 Finland (15 min + discussion 15 min)
Carita Hirvonen, TietoEVRY: openEHR-based social care IT (15 min + discussion 15 min)
Discussion about Nordic collaboration in modelling and openEHR-FHIR-openEHR mappings (30 min)
- Need for common FHIR resources? How to facilitate the collaboration?
- Need for a subgroup for social care archetype modelling? How to facilitate the collaboration?
- Need for common mappings?
Short updates on any current topics in Sweden, Norway and openEHR International (10 min)
- Question: Interest in archetypes for dentistry? (Region Östergötland, Sweden)
Agreement on the next meeting (5 min)
- Proposed decision: Organized online by the Norwegian community in April 2022
The Finnish openEHR community