New IEEE workgroup on "Data Quality Standards of Electronic Health Records"


I have received this message from CEN/TC251. I think those of you directly involved in building openEHR systems may be interested in contributing with your requirements and views.

Dear Members,

Following Alpo Värri’s kind notification, I would like to inform you about a new IEEE working group within our WG’s scope. It is called “Data Quality Standards of Electronic Health Records Workgroup” ( and has a dedicated website (IEEE SA Industry Connections Template –).

Its terms of reference can be found at the following link:

Please consider joining me in registering to the group. The registration link is Smartsheet Forms

Best regards,
Matthias Pocs

As they say in the documentation:

The workgroup will have the following goals:

  1. Developing a method to create unique identifiers for each electronic healthcare vendor; thereby, identifying the electronic health record system used to create the electronic health record.
  2. Developing a methodology allowing each electronic health record vendor to create identifiers identifying the healthcare provider responsible for creating the electronic health record.
  3. Introduction of the system to measure the completeness of electronic health records.
  4. Identify parameters for measuring the quality of electronic health records.
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