Multimedia codes - definition

I am looking at a snippet of an archetype that has the following :

Where are these codes defined?

I see they have been commented out in terminology/openEHR_RM/en/openehr_terminology.xml at master · openEHR/terminology · GitHub

That repo as an old one, archived.
That is not what the current specs are (neither for Terminology, neither for other components).

If you are interested in openEHR terminology nowadays, then please take a look at component URL, and in particulary to Support Terminology specification or, which is actually stored as raw-xml at specifications-TERM/computable/XML/openehr_external_terminologies.xml at master · openEHR/specifications-TERM · GitHub.

Thanks @sebastian.iancu I had seen those XML files, my challenge is that the archetype uses openEHR numeric codes to constrain the multimedia types element.

The codes in that area don’t seem to be numeric anymore - I guess it changes at some point.

I think this was changed with Release 2.0.0 (released somewhere in 2018 if I am not mistaken).
The change itself was already executed in 2016 - see SPECPR-97. The idea since then is that systems should use the official mime-type code (e.g. application/pdf) and not the old openEHR assigned number code.
Where are the codes used now? can you provide some references?

Hi Richard,

That is a very old unpublished archetype ‘borrowed’ from @borut.fabjan and badly needs updated / published.

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@sebastian.iancu @ian.mcnicoll Thanks for your feedback. We will consider updating the archetype to bring it up to date. There are a few other areas besides the terminology that could benefit from an uplift,

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