first i want to express that I was extremely happy finding the v0-Archetype “Medication use statement”.
I started with the Medication screening questionnaire - but from my point of view (although the general context is a questionnaire) the NOT “pre-defined screening questions” led to a disqualification.
In my case the individual / patient is the source of information about the current medication.
Since the Archetype is still a v0 I would also love to share my thoughts on it:
My paper based template of information I need to record simply askes:
What medication are you currently taking? followed by a table:
medication name - dose - morning - noon - evening - night
In some cases I guess a structured / complex information about timing and dose is the way to go.
But coming from the simple questionnaire nature maybe an alternative / simplified dataelement would do the job.
As you can see I’m just using the text-elements to record dose and timing.
Looking forward to your comments.
The real reason for my post is that I need an analogue approach for querying past operations (or more general past procedures).
A new archteype “Procedures performed statement” could be created with the medication use statement as a blueprint.
If there are no comments indicating I am completely on the wrong track I would create a first version and put it on CKM for discussion.