In openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.media_file.v1, for the content(multimedia), the available media_types are supposed to include everything as per the IANA Media types. However the editor lists only a subset and does not give an option to add missing ones. For example application/json is not available as an option
Is there any way to add more media types from the IANA Media types to it?
We are discussing whether to relax the rules so that other mediatypes can be used, as well as those listed, as keeping up to date with mediatypes is pretty challenging.
application/json is there in the IANA list and also in the openEHR media types (Support Terminology specification). However this is missing in the content type list in the media archetype.
I think it is better to leave this open in the archetype, as there is already a specification that details it
The Comment of element ‘Content’ contains some examples of common available media types. For clarity, this comment has been updated with the sentence: " Full list of available media types: Support Terminology specification"
@varntzen The issue is not in the comment. It is actually in the constraint on content.media_type. It should allow all media types from the Support terminology specification. However currently seems to support only a limited set from this
For example application/json is in the specification, but not listed in the Archetype designer. It also does not allow me to add to this list. When I create a composition with application/json as the content_type, I get an error as the template is constrained this limited list. Archetype designer should not automatically add any constraints
Id Archetype designer is not adding this constraint, could the Types list that is displayed when Multimedia data type is selected could be coming from the Multimedia class in Archie library?
After exporting the template, I could not find this constraint list in the OPT. So I assume EHRBase is possibly validating against some internal constraint in the class.
Just for clarity @Dileep_V_S , the ‘Content’ data element in the Media file archetpye uses the DV_MULTIMEDIA class without any constraint applied by the Editors.
Therefore if there is a discrepancy between the specifications and the media type options available in the tool, it seems to be a tooling issue.
@heather.leslie I also assumed that at first. Then I noticed that the final OPT does not include the list of constrained values and still EHRBase does not accept application/json as content_type.
Since archetype designer & EHRBase are from different organizations, how is this happening? Cound this be coming from the class library or specs?