Karolinska/Stockholm procurement of Digital health platform (CDR, tools, services, consultants)

The companies that will be awarded framework agreements were announced via the procurement portal yesterday. There is now a period of 10 days that needs to pass before contracts may be signed (due to procurement rules).

Companies in the three procurement areas, alphabetically ordered within each category:

1. openEHR-based Software (CDR+PMI+Form/UI solutions etc.)

  • Better d.o.o
  • Medblocks
  • Tietoevry AB

2. Software for openEHR content Creation and Transformation (tools, auxillary systems etc). Information about offered products from each vendor within Area 2 will be published after contracts have been signed and publication detalis have been discussed.

  • Better d.o.o
  • Cambio Healthcare Systems AB
  • Cuviva AB
  • Eweave AB
  • Medblocks
  • Ocean Informatics UK Limited
  • Service Well AB
  • Tietoevry AB

3. Consulting Services

  • Better d.o.o
  • Cambio Healthcare Systems AB
  • CGI Sverige AB
  • Eweave
  • freshEHR Clinical Informatics Ltd
  • Medblocks
  • MedMod AB
  • Ocean Informatics UK Limited
  • Service Well AB
  • Tietoevry AB

Congratulations to all!

Information about most of these suppliers can be found on the list of OpenEHR Industry Partners

This part of the procurement, coordinated by Karolinska University Hospital on behalf of several organisations active in Region Stockholm and Region Gotland will be concluded when the framework agreement contracts are signed. During the following framework agreement period (2+1+1 years) call-offs of different products and services can be done by the following organisations jointly or separately. Procurement groups at these organisations can get acccess to detailed responses and ceiling prices of products and consultancy rates:
Karolinska University Hospital, Södersjukhuset AB (SÖS), Södertälje sjukhus AB, Danderyd Sjukhus AB, Tiohundra AB, St Eriks Ögonsjukhus, Ambulanssjukvården i Storstockholm AB (AISAB), Hälso- och sjukvårdsförvaltningen (HSF), Stockholms läns sjukvårdsområde (SLSO), Region Gotland.