Invalid UCUM units in Archetype Designer


After some discussions with Thomas and SEC, I added the latest version of PropertyUnitData.xml to the latest specification-TERM, as part of upcoming Release 3.0.0 of TERM component, based on tickets SPECTERM-24 and SPECPR-408.

As from now on, can you consider this place (inside specifications-TERM) as the main source of truth of this file? Future changes can be submitted via JIRA and we can then apply SEC workflow on maintaining that file.

Another (new) problem: while comparing properties with those declared in openehr_terminology.xml I found a few mismatches which I want to fix, but I need your feedback and support @siljelb, @borut.fabjan, @ian.mcnicoll, @vanessap. The needed changes are prepared in a PullRequest - could you review and comment on GitHub (or on JIRA links above)?

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