International patient summary

How can we better support the IPS ( in openEHR ?
Currently we got some draft models on the ckm:
@heather.leslie already modeled the IPS in the ckm Template: International Patient Summary [openEHR Clinical Knowledge Manager]
So i asked myself if we should not define a implementation guidish thing how the IPS can be represented and transformed from/into openEHR.
E.g. i could add the mapping to the bridge if the template is published.
I think that is important for the future.
The guide could then be linked at the IPS website or so.
Any ideas comments ?


I think thatā€™s a great idea, We are going to be working on a similar project in the UK, but based on how the data might be stored natively in openEHR CDRs i.e. as multiple templated compositions Allergies list, Meds list, Condition list etc. Weā€™d expect to work very closely from Heatherā€™s ā€˜singleā€™ IPS composition approach (both have utility).

One question is also whether we work from the most recentFHIR R5 and/or most recent archetypes e.g. the allergy archetype has just been significantly updated to V2.


Since its going to be a growing topic its maybe useful to make a discourse group or a community ā€œworkā€ group ? Or what is the typical way to do that ?


Discourse chanell would make sense

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Who is actually admin here ?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Very good idea and very necessary to have a good basis for further projects. Did any updates like working groups, templates and more happen since this thread has been last updated a year ago : )?

Pinging @heather.leslie maybe also @ukpenguin has some input here about collab with the IPS community.

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This was to be brought back up as communicated by @ukpenguin during the collabrathon. Would really be interested if it is.

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Just wanted to pick up on this. I really would like to see IPS work catch up with that of FHIR. I think there was general agreement during the conference that this would be a concrete use case where we can align/converge with FHIR.
Is there any recent template that you feel comfortable to share?
You can also DM me.
@ian.mcnicoll @heather.leslie @siljelb @SevKohler @Paulmiller @vanessap @johnmeredith @Sidharth_Ramesh @ukpenguin

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As part of preparation for CDr Conformance testing, @Heidi has been taking a look at the IPS template that @heather.leslie created some years ago.

THe basic plan is to stick quite closely to Heatherā€™s original constraints, other than where newer archetypes are available, but split it into multiple templates e.g. for Allergies, Meds etc, which would much more closely match the way the data would be natively managed in a CDR. If we create these as Embedded section templates, they can be used as the basis for both styles i.e. single template ā€˜reportā€™ vs. an IPS constructed by querying multiple compositions. Both have valid uses.

Iā€™d hope we will have something to show publicly fairly soon but our main scope is to support conformance testing, so we are not attempting full IPS coverage.

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