Implementing EHRBase on Google Cloud

I’m trying and failing to deploy EHRBase using Google Cloud Compute Engine. I have an instance of postgres that I can conect to I ran the scripts to initialise. But I wanted to understand if anyone has used GCE for Ehrbase, and if the container environment variables in the GCE config will get picked up when the docker image is spun up? I’ve replicated:

DB_URL jdbc:postgresql://xxxxxx:5432/ehrbase
DB_USER ehrbase_restricted
DB_PASS ehrbase_restricted

When I log into the container there are clear messages that there is no connectivity to the database. I’ve got an internal IP also so connectivity should be ok.

EDIT: Further investigation seems to indicate that the environment variables are not being interpreted. Tried it in Cloud run also.

@johnmeredith any success here? I’m curious if you found the issue, because if the container receives the env variables, then everything should be ok (as long as they are correct)

I had some but not a great deal tbh. There are 4 ways of setting it up and it appears the internal configuration between any form of app server container and a postgres instance is tricky.

I could connect with a K8s container opposed to app engine but it was not 100%.

I will keep plugging away…

Oh to add, i beleive that the varaibles need to be configured in the docker image to allow app engine to feed them. Next step is to tweak the image on docker hub.