I already have a Django App which comunicates with MySql Database. This Database is crerated with the help of many experts in the field of oncology and specifically related to radiation oncology.
Now I want to integrate this system with OpenEHR.
Please suggest me how to proceed further
I think openEHR is not something that could be integrated
but something that should be considered as part of the architectural design, but not of an application, but of a platform on top of which applications could be built.
Though, from the openEHR specifications there are many principles, ideas, best practices and even models, that could be taken as references to build systems and applications.
So I would suggest to start from studying the openEHR specs https://specifications.openehr.org/
Hi @kundan25,
the approach would be to switch from your MySQL Database with your data model to an openEHR server that uses the data models (Archetypes) from the Clinical Knowledge Manager: Clinical Knowledge Manager
You can find a small tutorial here to learn how to get started: 2.1. openEHR Introduction — EHRbase documentation
I’m also recommending the YouTube videos from @Sidharth_Ramesh to learn more about the approach: https://www.youtube.com/@sidharthramesh1892
Btw, a gradual way to do this switch could be done, would be to first switch over to the CKM archetypes for the relevant concepts that have been “crerated with the help of many experts in the field of oncology and specifically related to radiation oncology”. Then create templates for the specific use cases. And propose new archetypes to CKM for radiation oncology models that are not yet available in CKM. Then try to update your current database to conform to the openEHR templates. Once you have done this for every model, a migration of data will be much easier.
But also the client apps will need to be significantly refactored to now process openEHR data.
It’s not an easy journey, but the reward will be great:
- having your data in a standardised vendor neutral format,
- based on world class archetypes by many international experts,
- many client apps, CDR’s and tools to choose from,
- no integration cost with other openEHR apps
- a flexible data platform CDR to built on for further
And finally a community that’s very willing to support you during this journey.
Sure and I appreciate the quick help. Will go through the resources you have provided. Me and my team is very much interested in adapting to openEHR.
Once again thanks for your help. If needed will get back to you
I have many questions to be answered before giving an advice on this.
I am curious about why you want to start with openEHR. I would like to know more about where in your existing system you think openEHR would make it better.
I think openEHR is so much more than a technology stack. Given your existing database designed by or inspired by experts in the field you will also find guidelines, patterns and best practices from the clinical modelling program. This is an area where openEHR is really good.
Depending on your needs and current status of your project you might introduce openEHR in the kernel of your system or as an external data layer (CDR) for some of the data. The approach of integrating an external CDR for well known data males it possible to follow an incremental transition into openEHR.
There are so many different ways to use openEHR in an existing application. To make a wise decision you need to start with you and your clients/customers needs and requirements in the long run. Based on this I would have talked with someone who has done the transition before.
Good luck!
In the eternal words of Steffi Graf: how much money do you have?
As the responses from the other members of the community already proved, there is more than one way to go from where you are to where you want to be. My question above goes to the heart of the matter, although it may be considered a bit over-materialistic by some. Fair enough, but I like keeping in mind that developers don’t come free.
If you have actual deployments, users and some investment in place, your alternative cost of switching to openEHR will be higher. I.e. you’ll spend time (money) on development and skills building which could have been spent on developing features and improving existing features for the system you already have. Will you get sufficient value from openEHR to offset that alternative cost, and if yes when, i.e. how far into the future? Only you can find the answer to that question, though the community would help you put the variables together to help you work on the answer.
I suggest you focus on @bna 's points and take some hints from @joostholslag related to getting value out of existing clinical models on CKM. They gave you some good points to start from if you have an existing application. @birger.haarbrandt 's team is offering an open source implementation for you to experiment with, assess and estimate. You can get some great value out of openEHR without going all in, is what I’m trying to say.
My answer is meant to help you consider the bigger picture related to sustainability of your investment into openEHR. There are many people here who regularly offer help on the specifics once you given them, well … the specifics