How to refer the start_time and/or end_time under the context as an explicit data point(s)? And even rename them and provide more constraints on them? Certainly, this question would also be relevant for other similiar data point(s) at lower modelling level.
For example, the start_time could be renames rename “Start time of Running Session”.
In the UI of Ocean Template Designer, such a data point is hidden from the user:
They would appear in the Composition instances:
The simple answer is that you can’t at least not easily in ADL1.4
ADL2 will allow us to explicitly include ‘markers’ for RM attributes like context/start_time so that tools know to display them.
You might want to take a look at the Wt2DocX project that I developed building on work already done by @bna
This allows generation of Asciidoc/ Word/PDF/Xmind files from web templates , and does allow RM attributes to be displayed.
Here is a PDF of an openOutcomes template
OPENOUT - Knee PROMS.wt.pdf (161.0 KB)
I’ve also started playing with generating FHIR Logical models, in this case,an archetype-only model but including the OBSERVATION.origin attribute
Thanks a lot, @ian.mcnicoll. Your replies always are quite helpful and nutritional to me! Appreciate that