How to find and hire openEHR consultants


Is there any open list of consultants with openEHR expertise and ways to contact them?

  1. Regular informatics- and IT-consultants with openEHR knowledge and experience is are of interest. This includes for example designers, software developers and system integration consultants.

  2. Global experts at a level similar to members of…

    …regarding openEHR competence are also of interest.

If there is no official such list, could I suggest that those of you available for hire and fitting any of the above categories please respond to this post with some contact info and very brief description of what your expertise and expertise level is? (Maybe we can make a proper list on the openEHR website later?)

Background: Like many others, we (Region Östergötland) regularly update and procure our general consultancy services and now we want to add openEHR-competence as one type of expertise sought. It would be good to have a list that we can use to:

  1. make openEHR experts aware of upcoming consultancy procurements (if they want to respond themselves) and
  2. that responding consultancy aggregators and general agencies can use to contact openEHR experts in order to make sure that they can subcontract openEHR experts when needed.

Even though we are already aware of many experts, we might have missed others and also we can’t list or specify specific ones in a procurement, but having a list to point to as background information would be very useful.


Just in case we’re not in the relevant list(s), we, as Ocean, regularly provide consultancy to various projects on health standards (obviously openEHR but others as well), software design, clinical modelling, architecture etc. We’re technology agnostic and we take part in projects that do not use the Ocean stack as well. Happy to provide a more detailed description off channel.

seref.arikan <AT>

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We have been one of the early adopters of openEHR in India and offer services around digitalhealth in general and openEHR in particular. We have primarily worked in India, but are open to providing services outside as well.



I realize that I should have been more clear reagarding that it would be great if you provide

  • a link to a company website (and contact page) and
  • very briefly describe your expertise/experience (as some of you already have) or link to a page that already describes it.

We would like to be able to point consultancy aggregators that may not have openEHR experience to this discussion thread. (So don’t assume its me or any other openEHR “insider” that already knows you that will read.) :wink:

P.s. I believe those of you that have already responded can edit your responses here in Discourse a while after posting, at least if you are not brand new system users with lower initial permissions.

There is the category of professional member, suited to those who work as consultants (including academics). Current list on this page.

The membership categories are described here.

I would think that for the purposes of Erik’s question, this group plus Industry Partner companies that list consulting on their pages provides a starter list of capability to use in relevant situations.


@thomas.beale you beat me to it. As Thomas says, Professional membership provides a listing on the openEHR website.

In addition, any news, activity or other things that are openEHR related that you would like promoted, we can often help with this.

Find out more about membership HERE, but should you require further information please do drop me an email to


Thanks Thomas and Jill,

THat was exactly the idea of the Professional Membership category and I would encourage anyone who is offering openEHR-related consultancy or training to think about becoming a Professional member. It is well worth the small fee IMO.



Thank you for the invitation to be included in your list.


Information on our service published on the UK Government digital
services catalogue:

OpusVL discover requirements, design, build, deploy and support open
source solutions across sectors.

The team have engaged with openEHR for a number of years and, through
the DITO project (, are actively integrating openEHR
(EHRBase) in to the open-eREACT open source platform where applications
are created with reusable modular components.

These connected components deliver NEWS2 (nursing observations), DENWIS
(concern), infection control (COVID-19) and therapeutic obs (mental

The platform is being developed to connect to external services such as
shared care records and record locator services and further components
can be created through the platform to meet specific needs.

All the best,




In my case, I’m contacted directly most of the time since most openEHR people already knows me, or new people trying to learn about openEHR find my videos or blog posts about the topic. In the past I did small consultancy projects for companies wanting to understand the openEHR approach and adapt their systems to the specs. Also did some integration work. Now at HiGHmed most of my work was about openEHR compliance testing and integration between FHIR and openEHR. And on my own I created the EHRServer and the openEHR Toolkit, among other small projects like clients for the EHRServer, a command center to manage a cluster of EHRServers, and the sibling project Atomik


DIPS has long experience building openEHR solutions. From enterprise ready CDR to tooling and building applications. From april 2020 we set up a separate organisation (section) which provides healthcare provideres with consultancy services. The name of the section is Bifrost (Bivrost). Inspired by the Norse mythology bridge which connects humans and the gods. Bifrost by DIPS connects clinicians with technology. We’ve not yet decided who plays which role.

We are currently targeting our Norwegian customers. Going in to specific clinical domains the global perspective is common. There is a need to build applications locally which can be reused globally. As such we are interested in international cooperation and assignments.

Contact info:
Bifrost by DIPS
Bjørn Næss


VeraTech for Health ( has been involved in the development of technologies to facilitate the adoption of archetypes and EHR standards since 2004 (formerly as part of the Technical University of Valencia). Out portfolio includes:

  • Data normalization, being developers of LinkEHR Studio (multi-standard archetype editor and archetype-based data transformation).
  • Data integration.
  • Data quality analysis based on archetypes.
  • Consultancy and training in openEHR, ISO 13606, HL7 FHIR, and other standards.

Maryna Danylyuk (


Thanks for interesting responses and for the reminder that peaople can start by lookingfor competence at:

The consultancy procurement I mentioned earlier is now published at: that then links to a procurement system.

Everything is in Swedish so consulting via a nordic partner/aggregator is recommended. openEHR competence is mentioned in a few places of the procurement document (that can be downloaded after creating a free account and logging in). The following will hopefully be understandable via translation tools :

  • 5.4 Kompetensområde Verksamhetsutveckling och krav
    Området avser kompetens för arbete med syfte att utveckla verksamheten eller nyttan av IT. Exempel
    på aktiviteter och arbetsuppgifter som omfattas; utveckling av strategier, utredningar, förstudier,
    behovsanalyser, kravfångster, kravanalys, kravspecificering, metodarbete och agil coach. Arbete inom
    detta område kan bl.a. kräva kompetenser om exempelvis PM3, ITIL samt spetskompetens (nivå 5)
    kring design och tillämpning av informationsmodeller baserade på standarder från exempelvis OpenEHR
    och HL7.
  • 5.6 Kompetensområde Systemutveckling & Systemförvaltning
    Området avser arbete i olika steg inom systemutveckling, systemintegration och förvaltning av befintliga
    system. Med system avses allt från enkel programvara till komplexa system bestående av
    programvaror med i förekommande fall tillhörande maskinvara. Även kompetenser för systemutveckling
    och utveckling av webbplatser och app:ar samt kompetenser inom olika operativsystem.
    Kompetensområdet omfattar även konfigurations och versionshantering. Anbudsområdet omfattar även
    kompetens inom området middleware. Med middleware avses program som länkar samman eller
    integrerar annan programvara som exempelvis transaktionshanterare, meddelandehantering och Web
    Services. Området avser även kompetenser inom Geografiskt Informations System (GIS), datorbaserat
    system för insamling, lagring, analys och presentation av lägesbunden information.Även kompetenser
    för design och utveckling av mjukvara, tillämpningar och integrationer baserade på standarder som
    openEHR, HL7 och DICOM efterfrågas här. Inom detta område ser regionen även ett tydligt behov av
    spetskunskap/global expertnivå (nivå 5) kring design och tillämpning. Kan t.ex. avse utveckling och
    databasadministration. Ytterligare exempel är utveckling, arkitektur och test kopplat till system inom
    Business intelligence.
    Området innefattar också lösningar som innehåller molnbaserade tjänster och AI/Machine learning.
  • 5.6.4 Roll Systemutvecklare
    Rollen avser kompetens för arbete exempelvis med framställning av programkod (inklusive Appar). Har
    god kunskap om programmeringsspråk, ramverk, verktyg och utvecklingsmiljöer. Inom
    systemutveckling räknas även konsulttjänster som avropas under förvaltningsperioden av ett system,
    systemförvaltning, exempelvis för att rätta fel m.m.
    Rollen innefattar också kompetens för utveckling av lösningar som innehåller molnbaserade tjänster och
    AI/Machine learning samt informationsbaserade ramverk som openEHR.

Nice to have a list but it really needs a clear disclaimer that openEHR International has not screened these individuals nor accredits them with any skills, that the sole criteria for listing is a small financial payment. Transparency is critical such that a procuring party understands it is their responsibility to establish whether the credentials listed are correct. Over time we may have members who are fully paid up but with misrepresented or few skills and this will potentially reflect back on the organisation.


Thanks Heather, that is a good point.

We do actually state that on the member registration site, but we should really add the same disclaimer on this page.

Note: Membership at any level and the listing of member information on the openEHR website does not indicate openEHR endorsement for training or services provided.

@thomas.beale - can we perhaps have that disclaimer added to the Prof members page (? also to Industry partners page).


Please note that Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm is now procuring also openEHR consultancy services, see: Swedish openEHR platform procurement Q1 2020 - #19 by erik.sundvall

After 15 years experience with Ocean Informatics implementing and integrating openEHR solutions, I am now available as an Independent Consultant. You can find me on LinkedIn

Heath Frankel