How to add a Snomed CT code to each value in a list of ordinals?

Looking at “Air or oxygen” in the archetype NEWS2. If I would like to add a Snomed CT code to each of the values in the ordinal - is that possible in Archetype designer? If so, where can I read about how to do that?


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Hi Sanna,

Yes - via the Terminology tab. I have done a short video demo which talks through the process.



Thanks Ian! Great explanation.


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Hello @ian.mcnicoll. I am trying to constrain the possible values of a field in a template to a snomed CT subset. I am using Snomed CT Expression Constraint Language to represent the same (eg: <<123456) in an archetype. The constraint shows up in the ADL file under constraint_definitions. However, when I use the archetype in a template, the resulting OPT or Web Template file has no reference to this constraint. How do I access this constraint in the template file?
Or is there a better method to achieving the same?

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Can you post the archetype here? I think we are all quite quickly moving to using FHIR Valuesets to define these kind of constraints i.e manage them outside of the archetype or template.

Thank you for your reply, sir. I have attached my archetype and the templates (both opt and the web template json).
openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.physical_activity_record.v0.adl (4.1 KB)
physical-activity-template.json (7.4 KB)
physical-activity-template.opt (40.1 KB)

I was just playing around with the archetype designer, so the archetype or the terminology constraints won’t make much sense clinically.

My goal is to generate the user interface using only the templates as input. This makes it easy for hospitals and doctors to design their own data entry requirements. And I wanted to include a terminology constraint (Snomed CT EQL: <123456) on an element so that the UI will only search under that particular Snomed subset. Currently, I could do this by adding an annotation to the field, which I have included in the files attached. Can you tell me the recommended way to achieve this? If we are using a FHIR ValueSet, then where does one reference it?