Highmed openEHR symposium 31.1.25

@SevKohler and others at HiGHmed. Maybe you would be interested in us presenting a quick overview at the symposium of the recently finished PoC (Proof of Concept) that Karolinska Univeristy Hospital coordinated on behalf of Region Stockholm and Region Gotland? The goal was storing data from our current EHR (TakeCare) in a mix of openEHR and FHIR formats in scalabel ways. Even though it was timeboxed to 3 months, we got very far. The following picture would then of course get translated to an English version:

An English description of the PoC task (not the result) is described in post 27 of the thread Karolinska/Stockholm procurement of Digital health platform (CDR, tools, services, consultants) - #27 by erik.sundvall