Highmed openEHR symposium 31.1.25

:mega: Don’t Miss This: “openEHR in Digital Health: Meeting today’s needs, driving tomorrow’s innovations” - January 31, 2025

We warmly invite you to the openEHR Symposium at the Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung in Berlin!

HiGHmed offers you the unique opportunity to discover the latest groundbreaking developments and use cases of openEHR in Digital Health and to engage in intensive discussions with international experts.

More information will follow shortly.

:round_pushpin: Where: Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung, Berlin
:spiral_calendar: When: 31.01.2025


@SevKohler copying in @Pete_Bouvier who will promote ongoing for you nearer the date.

Thanks for the heads up!

Perhaps it could be smart to have some openEHR workgroup/committee meetings before or after that. Central Berlin is so much more accessible via public transport than e.g. “Wokefield Estate Golf Club” and offers more housing alternatives.

P.S. Date formats like 31.01.2025 are not always internationally recognised so it could be smart to change it to January 31, 2025 in the post heading. (Just like Germans often assume everybody will understand 10.11 or 25.11.24 Swedes often wrongly assume 2025-01-31 to be a standard everybody uses…)

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Great. Looking forward to it. Is there a LinkedIn event? Help me get it into and update in my calendar.

After all, ISO 8601 is an international standard. It is even recommended in DIN ( Deutsches Institut für Normung) and the old one is only permitted.

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Thank you for the announcement. I am looking forward to meeting you there =)!!!