Don’t Miss This: “openEHR in Digital Health: Meeting today’s needs, driving tomorrow’s innovations” - January 31, 2025
We warmly invite you to the openEHR Symposium at the Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung in Berlin!
HiGHmed offers you the unique opportunity to discover the latest groundbreaking developments and use cases of openEHR in Digital Health and to engage in intensive discussions with international experts.
More information will follow shortly.
Where: Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung, Berlin When: 31.01.2025
Perhaps it could be smart to have some openEHR workgroup/committee meetings before or after that. Central Berlin is so much more accessible via public transport than e.g. “Wokefield Estate Golf Club” and offers more housing alternatives.
P.S. Date formats like 31.01.2025 are not always internationally recognised so it could be smart to change it to January 31, 2025 in the post heading. (Just like Germans often assume everybody will understand 10.11 or 25.11.24 Swedes often wrongly assume 2025-01-31 to be a standard everybody uses…)
Would have loved to attend, unfortunately it’s unlikely for me to be able to return this side of the world after ehrcon24. Willt there be any remote options?
(Silje Ljosland Bakke)
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@SevKohler and others at HiGHmed. Maybe you would be interested in us presenting a quick overview at the symposium of the recently finished PoC (Proof of Concept) that Karolinska Univeristy Hospital coordinated on behalf of Region Stockholm and Region Gotland? The goal was storing data from our current EHR (TakeCare) in a mix of openEHR and FHIR formats in scalabel ways. Even though it was timeboxed to 3 months, we got very far. The following picture would then of course get translated to an English version:
Hi folks, as you may know I’m curating a library of openEHR resources - since my PhD work back in 2006! To be honest for my own benefit but I also wanted to make it public so others can also benefit.
I created a folder for HiGHmed Symposium 2025 - [HERE] (Zotero | Your personal research assistant). And added Karolinska’s ppt - thanks @erik.sundvall
It’d be great if, for those who presented and are comfortable/authorised, you could share yours. Just email or send a URL to me and I’ll add. That said, I’m looking for volunteers to help with curation - academics or other. Thanks
For details, refer to the (rather superflous!) post - HERE
Cheers, Koray
Hi Koray, I’d be happy to help with the Zotero library curation, have added some papers to it in the past. It was a very valuable resource for my own master’s dissertation so thank you for making it available for the whole community!
Thanks @heidi.koikkalainen that’s awesome
I see you’re already an admin so should be able to manage the library.
If you’re using WhatsApp - I’m on +642102412096 so we can coordinate easily.