I just want to know who is currently mapping FHIR or planning to do so + what tools you use/want to use/develop.
By that i specifically want to know ETL-engines.
This thread is to be used in order to collect this tools and approaches for now and the future.
For us its the FHIR bridge, when it comes to corona data, but it only maps FHIR into openEHR and not the other way around. Furthermore, mappings are coded in Java.
There is also Betters FHIRConnect which provides a DSL to configure bidirectional FHIR openEHR mappings. The Solution is openEHR platform agnostic.
Vitasystems also has a solution, the CDR-Bridge , Bidirectional and can be configured via DSL.
The Solution can only be used in combination with a Vitasystems openEHR platform (HIP CDR).
openFHIR - an engine running bi-directional FHIR Connect mappings. Engine is openEHR platform agnostic with mappings written in YAML and heavily leverage simplified openEHR flat path syntax and FHIR path. More info: documentation