I am trying to use fhir-bridge for integrating Medplum and ehrbase, mvn clean install & mvn package worked fine. However, java -jar target/fhir-bridge-1.5.5.jar keep throwing an error (see as attached in the image)
According to the exception details in the screenshot, a Spring bean factory method is parsing some fhir resource, but the parse itself is failing. This would lead to a cascading series of problems so Spring is doing the right thing and aborting the wiring of dependencies to their implementations.
If you’re in the mood for an adventure, you can go and check the requestValidatingInterceptor method’s implementation and see if you can isolate the parse that’s failing, to confirm this is the issue.
Remember that this is advice given by a random bloke on the Internet based on a screenshot though, so you may want to open and issue in Github before you consider my suggestion, EhrBase team is pretty good at responding to those
I just checked out the latest version and tried building via mvn clean install. I can start without any issues using spring-boot:run or as you described:
Thanks @birger.haarbrandt, mvn clean install works fine. However, running java -jar target/fhir-bridge-1.5.5.jar keeps throwing the error in the attached image.
Can you as well try running docker-compose -f docker-compose-full.yml up fhir-bridge. You’ll find that the image will stop with the error in the image I’ve attached herein