I’d like to know if there exists a syntax/grammar specification for the Expression Language (EL) since I will probably make use of this language in order to create constraints on archetypes (including conditional value set bindings) as a part of my research work.
This is the new meta-model. We will probably update the EL spec to be one possible concrete language, which probably won’t be much different from what is there now, but the statement parts will disappear I think (if/then/else etc), and there will be the possibility to write agent (lambda) expressions. The main area not finalised yet is ‘predicates’, which currently includes ‘attached()’ and ‘defined()’, but in theory could include a whole path-based sub-language like Xpath, where you could write predicates based on number of child objects, or the values in some child object. If we do that, we’ll specify that as a separate sub-language.
In the Task Planning group, we are working on decision structures / statements etc in a clinical Decision language which will have a draft up soon.
Our team also planning to use this language for research/develop work recently, hope that rewriting progress well and finally it works soon. And before that, do you have some suggestion to us for using EL to making some clinical decision rule on archetypes ?