Error in uploading Template

i have a problem with uploading my template. Here is the error. Do you know if there is a way to include multiple coded text fields as external codes?

in archetype designer I would like to include several coded text fields with different local variables. Unfortunately it does not work, only as free text. But I need the assignment 1 = …, 2 = …

Maybe someone can help?

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Hi Leo,

reported error is displayed by CKM. @ian.mcnicoll might help you with the error?

For the modelling question can you share your archetype/template (export fileset) to better understand what’s the issue?

Adding several coded_text elements each with its own internal valueset it’s quite the usual.

Hi @Leo , hi @borut.fabjan

We are currently investigating this issue.

@borut.fabjan - This happens when in a template, you have two value sets with local terms from a local “terminology”. If they have overlapping values, CKM currently generates this error.

Essentially, the OPT generator used by CKM makes the assumption that the “terminologies” such as local_terms1 and local_terms2 are value sets from the same code system - thus the same value with a different text is currently not permitted.

We are currently investigating whether it is reasonable to relax this constraint (and what the consequences are) and will keep you posted. In the meantime using unique codes, e.g. prefixed with the terminology name or a short version of it would circumvent the problem.

After some SEC discussion, we have implemented the same behaviour in the OPT generator used by CKM as well, so this is now possible as far as CKM is concerned.